Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yoga to free you from Self-Criticism

 When you are look to Yoga in real it's a science of balanced, mental and physical living. Self-love and self-criticism are polar opposites, but most people are quick to punish themselves when they make mistakes. It seems that many of us are looking too deeply into our own flaws.

 No one is completely perfect and do good and right things from time to time this is related by actions ,and it will not be helpful to one's self-esteem to constantly be reminded of this fact. Looking at one's self can invite merciless self-criticism. We may be able to tell a friend to stop criticizing us, but the mind can chatter while you sleep or at any time of the day. How can Yoga meditation help us train our minds to stop finding faults within us?

         The Yogic Solution to Self- Criticism

Woman in a 20th century spiritual teacher and well known Yoga Guru, once said, ( The highest form of spiritual practice is self-observation without self-criticism ) Few disciplines encourage practitioners to examine themselves, inwardly and outwardly, like the ancient art of meditation. The eternal question of "Who am I?  leads to self-observation, but the process of truly accepting oneself is far more difficult.

 Wise decisions require critical thinking skills, and awareness calls for objectivity and clarity. Unrealistic expectations and perfectionism, however, block creativity, destroy self-esteem, and result in anger and frustration. Trying to live up to other people's standards, judging success by external rewards, and demanding flawless performance set the scene for destructive self-talk.

Yogic Prevention

 While the goal of Yogic meditation is the creation of harmony between the internal and external mind, sometimes, a few practical solutions are able to stop the critical inner voice before it gets out of control. First, though, it is vital to recognize the process in its early stages. Warning signs may be a lump in the throat, tense muscles, clenched teeth, or other physical and emotional signals. Meditation is the tool that makes it possible to witness and alter these unhealthy patterns of thinking.

Now you can be taller by these exercise

 Many of people like to be a taller . Most of them using a machine and other makes exercise but you want easy way for you to get you goal . And  if one is on the short side. It is achievable to increase ones height, as there are exercises that one can do that can trigger the level of Growth Hormones that are needed to trigger an increase in the height.

 The exercises that are effective in helping people get taller are high intensity workouts which include the likes of swimming and sprinting. What makes these exercises so effective is the fact that the body is forced to produce the growth hormones, and when that happens, the height is also encouraged. Cycling will also have the same effect to your height like sprinting and swimming.

 Other good exercises to grow taller include stretching the body to the point where height is increased. With stretching, the spine gets to be stretched to the point where there is less pressure between the vertebrae. The effect of the stretching gets your spine to be less compressed, therefore giving you that extra height.

 In stretching, there are certain activities that you can focus on to get you the desired results that you want. Hanging is one of them. It allows for your body to be on air, which allows the gravity to pull your body towards the ground. When this happens, height growth is stimulated, so exercises to grow taller are encouraged.

 And there are other stretching exercises that you can do to stimulate height growth, such as yoga. Yoga has different stretching techniques that you can employ to get your body stretching, and the benefits are great.

 Now you making searing in any things to get information from the library and get a hold of some good yoga books, and photocopy the pages of exercises that you decide to do. Or you could browse the Internet and go to the top yoga sites, and find out which exercises are best for increasing your height. Not only can stretching increase how tall you are, it will also increase blood flow, and make you healthier overall.

 Making exercises to grow taller should be done on a consistent basis if you hope to see the results, it is definitely not a once off thing. When you first get started, it is advisable to take it slowly to get your body accustomed to the exercises, this will also make sure that you do not hurt yourself exerting the body.