Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Makes your heart strong by these exercise

Posted by YNFirwall 3:28 PM, under ,,,, | No comments

 In one of the greatest risks to heart health besides smoking and other obesity is being inactive. A sedentary life can lead to weight gain, weak muscles, and a weakened heart. Regular exercise can strengthen your heart, improve circulation, lower blood pressure and increase your energy level. You will lose weight, reduce stress, have stronger bones and muscles, and sleep better if you get regular exercise.
People who have been inactive for several years should see their doctor for a full checkup to rule out any heart disease or other conditions that may limit their activity level. After getting the go-ahead from the doctor, begin an exercise program that includes stretching, aerobic cardio workouts and strength building exercises.

Makes stretching exercises will help prepare your muscles for exercise and reduce the risk of muscle strain. Stretching also helps to lengthen the muscles for greater range of mobility. Stretching also increases joint flexibility. Even people who suffer from arthritis can benefit from stretching exercises by increasing flexibility and reducing pain. Stretch for about 10 minutes beginning with your arms, then your trunk and then your legs. Stretch each muscle group from your head to your toes before beginning the aerobic portion of your healthy heart exercise routine.

Making Cardiovascular Aerobic exercise is steady physical activity that works all the major muscle groups. Prolonged activity lasting 20 to 30 minutes per day, 3 to 4 times each week, causes the body to increase oxygen use, strengthens the heart and lungs, and improves lung capacity. Aerobic exercise for a healthy heart includes walking, jogging, dancing, step aerobics, swimming and bicycling. A good aerobic exercise workout can be done on rowing machines, treadmills, stationary bikes and elliptical machines. Beginners should not push themselves and adjust aerobic exercise to their fitness level. Try to work at about 65 to 75 percent of your maximum endurance until your fitness level increases. Aerobic exercise is also an ideal way to burn fat to lose weight.

The strength training exercises consist of using one muscle or a group of muscles by repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscle. Strength training helps to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass for a healthy heart. If you're new to strength training, start with beginner-level isometric exercises and light weights. Functional exercises, such as squats, lunges, pushups and crunches, are also very beneficial for all fitness levels. It's a good idea for beginners to join a gym with personal trainers who can offer advice on the most effective way to strength train and avoid injury.

Injures of shoulder in weightlifting and Anatomy

Posted by YNFirwall 3:13 PM, under ,,, | No comments

 When we see Of all the places on your body to be injured, shoulder injuries in weight lifting will render your upper body strength next to useless. If your shoulder is badly hurt, you will have a challenging time pulling or pushing anything heavy.

According to a particular study with elite power-lifters, the most commonly injured areas when lifting iron are the shoulders, lower back and knees. The study also found that if you are older than 40 then you chance of an upper body injury was a lot greater than if you were younger. All in all, however, power-lifting as a sport has an injury rate "low compared to other sports." Olympic weight lifters tend to get more back and knee injuries whereas power-lifters tend to get more shoulder injuries

Anatomy of the Shoulder

The shoulder is a rather complex structure because it is capable of so much mobility. It is comprised of three bones: The humerus (upper arm bone), the scapula, (shoulder blade), and the clavicle (collar bone). The articulations of these three bones make up three main shoulder joints. There are about a dozen major muscles (such as deltoids) that collaborate in shoulder movement as well with minor muscles and tendons (fibrous tissue connecting muscles to bones).
The Shoulder's Rotator Cuff and Bursae

The main shoulder joint is called the glenohumeral joint which is a ball and socket structure where the shoulder blade attaches to the upper arm bone. A rota tor cuff covers this ball and socket joint to keep it tight and in place with a group of 4 muscles and their associated tendons. The four rota-tor cuff muscles are called the supraspinatus, the infraspniatus, the teres minor, and the scapulars; each one serving different functions to move the upper arm bone (humerus) in different directions within the socket (glenoid fossa).

At the top of the shoulder is a bone called the acromion which is actually an extension of the shoulder blade (scapula). It hooks from around the back to the top. Between the acromion and the rotator cuff is a synovial fluid filled sac called a bursa that cushions and buffers the acromion from the rotator cuff's movements. There are eight such bursae located at different points about the shoulder girdle.

Shoulder Injuries and Causes

The rotator cuff is the most common source of shoulder pain. This includes any problem underneath the acromion bone. A health care professional specializing in sports injuries may be the best one to diagnose the exact cause. They will check the different movements that give you shoulder pain and test your range of motion. Whenever you raise your arm, the space between the acromion and the rotator cuff becomes smaller. This may cause the acromion to push or impinge against the bursa which can swell and become inflamed. This commonly happens with athletes who use repetitive overhead movements such as baseball pitchers, volleyball players, swimmers and the like. It can also occur in the workplace with painters, plumbers, electricians or anyone using repetitive movements overhead. When it comes to a sport such as power-lifting, one study shows there is no correlation between shoulder injuries and any specific exercise.

If the rotator cuff itself is injured then it may be a tear. There are two types of tears: Chronic and Acute. A chronic tear occurs over time because of overuse and usually after a tendon has been rubbing against a bone for awhile. An acute tear is the result of a sudden movement. The shoulder is one of those areas of the body where this is little blood circulation. If an injured tendon sustains microscopic tears and does not get an adequate supply of blood to heal, this could lead to tendon degeneration. This condition, however, is usually related more to age and overuse than it is a result of a trauma or sports injury.

The shoulder is the most unstable joint in the body. Many times the cause of a shoulder injury is because there is too much play in the ball and socket joint. One of the main functions of the shoulder is to provide stability to movements using the arm. If your shoulder is unstable, you will definitely develop problems. Be sure you are diagnosed correctly before you start doing a lot of laterals with dumbbells. Your health care professional will probably give you a few exercises to do for your rotator cuff.

Treatment for Shoulder Injuries

To get a better look at the possible damage within your shoulder, your doctor may suggest arthroscopic surgery. This is a minor invasive surgery where a small incision is made in your shoulder and then they look around inside with a very small camera. Your doctor can see whatever damage there is and help you make a decision about what options are available.

If you suffer an acute trauma to your shoulder perform the first aid procedure known as R.I.C.E. and see a health care professional immediately.

• Rest - Stop using the afflicted part.

• Ice - 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off for an hour (or whatever feels comfortable).

• Compress - Wrap a compression bandage around the injury. This may keep down the swelling.

• Elevate - Keep the injured part propped up and elevated above the level of your heart. This may help keep down the swelling.

Recovery and Continuation after Shoulder Injuries

Recovery usually always begins with plenty of rest. When continuing with your weight training program, follow some key doe's and don't such as warming up with as many sets as it takes in order to get blood circulation going. The shoulder should feel good before you start a working set. Start off with lighter weight before you are capable of handling anything heavy. Do shoulder stretches after a workout. Know the difference between shoulder soreness discomfort and the pain of an injury. If you have any doubts about a shoulder injury then go see a doctor.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Vitamins and Supplements importance of caring body

Posted by YNFirwall 4:35 AM, under ,,,, | No comments

 any vitamins today and supplements always you get from  market or pharmacy , it can be very difficult to find the items that supply your needs completely. It would be a big shock to many people to find out that the best vitamins and supplements in the world is not found on store shelves. This particular line of vitamins and supplements thrive from a simple technique known commonly as the "word of mouth." It's a mystery to many people why such a great product line would not be available in stores.

To have the best health possible, vitamins and supplements are very important when it comes to achieving such a goal. Even with all the exercise in the world, dietary vitamins are needed to help repair your body from the elements it endured. With that being said, it is also important that the dietary supplements that you ingest are as natural as possible. There is no shortcut in the production of vitamins made from plant-based items. Many supplements contain additives and chemicals that do not come from nature. With that in mind, there are many people who are not getting the best from their vitamins and supplements. It is not fair for individuals to spend their hard earned income on dietary supplements that fail to deliver so many great benefits and fall short of expectations. There is no reason for anyone to be denied the best products of nature.
This is where a great company steps in to create a line of vitamins that are catered towards living up to high expectations and delivering solid benefits. Many top companies cannot come close to the benefits and results of the vitamins provided from a great company that remains under the radar. This company do not take no shortcuts and do intense research on different items from nature that will treat the human body very well. Every single ingredient is plant based and come from the ground just as nature would want it to be. Unlike animals, humans can produce food and supplements that can be altered in many ways. In many cases, the alterations will go against what nature had in mind for us. Harmful chemicals found in many supplements actually defeat the whole purpose of the product and possibly pose harsh side effects. It is about time that people get the best supplements that are literally created from the best nature has to offer.

finale, there is no reason for anyone to be forbidden from getting the best and complete nutritional benefits available worldwide. Many people fall short on getting the best benefits due to not being exposed to the best things available.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Massage advantages for your feet

Posted by YNFirwall 4:11 AM, under ,,,, | 1 comment

 Many of people don`t know about foot massage and about advantage of care about massage. Your feet are in charge of taking you into different places, anywhere you want to. This is why your feet are among the parts of your body that need to be taken care of properly and should be treated with utmost importance. Remember that your feet are among the most essential parts of your body that should never be taken for granted. This is considering the fact that you will be able to accomplish most of your daily tasks without using them. Thus, you must consider the things that you should and should not do to your feet.

As mentioned above, it is just right that you take care of your feet properly and here are some foot care tips that you just might want to take into consideration. Even for just once a year, you can have your feet checked by a professional. This is to make sure that there are no problems with your feet.

Every once in a while, you also need to check if your feet have cracks and sores. If there are, you have to do something to treat them. Trimming your toenails is another part of properly taking care of your feet which can make you look tidier. Instead of washing your feet with hot water, you should use warm water and then dry them well.

And you should pay more attention to the areas between the toes because these are known to be the sensitive areas and are prone to infections. Then, always use comfortable footwear and never walk without wearing anything because you may hurt yourself. And of course, you should regularly exercise your feet to maintain proper blood circulation.

Aside from these foot care tips, another idea that you can consider when it comes to taking care of your feet properly is getting a foot massage. Foot massage, like any other types of massage, has several benefits to offer.

Reflexology is one of the most popular massage techniques that are really intended for the feet. In this particular technique, different points of your feet will be applied a certain amount of pressure that corresponds to a certain point of your entire body. But of course, there are some things that you have to take note of before getting a foot massage. For instance, if you are pregnant, you must not get a foot massage because it can be bad for your child.

The same idea applies when you are suffering from a heart disease or hypertension. And lastly, after drinking any alcohol drink, right after eating and bathing, you should not get a foot massage. It is best if your wait for about a couple of hours before getting a massage to avoid any problems.

So if you want to take care of your feet, you should take note of the things that were mentioned above.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The importance of massage to your body

Body Massage therapy is a specialized action that helps to release some specific trouble in the human body. And the culture of massage therapy was started a many years ago. Now a day, there are many types of massage therapy available for health-related purposes as well as relaxation.Massage therapy has some specific effects on the human body and provides some extra relaxation to human body.

Massage therapy also considered as an alternative medicine in some countries around the world.There are several reasons found for body massage. 

The reasons are health-related functions such as pain relief, recover sports injuries, reduce pressure, enhance relaxation, remove depression and anxiety as well as assist to general wellness.

Body Massage therapy is a specialized action that helps to release some specific trouble in the human body. The culture of massage therapy was started a many years ago. Now a day, there are many types of massage therapy available for health-related purposes as well as relaxation.

Massage therapy has some specific effects on the human body and provides some extra relaxation to human body.Massage therapy also considered as an alternative medicine in some countries around the world.There are several reasons found for body Massage 

The reasons are health-related functions such as pain relief, recover sports injuries, reduce pressure, enhance relaxation, remove depression and anxiety as well as assist to general wellness.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eat healthy and take care of body win better life

Posted by YNFirwall 9:39 PM, under ,,,,, | No comments

Many of people look to food as a something take to feed body to move in life without the kind of food or if it healthy or not and some people when you taking about food healthy or kinds consider that as luxury in life who say that most of healthy food not expensive if you take it from nature. 
There are many reasons why we should eat healthy, however, we are going to focus on 3 benefits, 3 attractive reasons, for us to get serious about healthy eating. To be healthy we know we should eat healthy and we are aware there are a number of benefits to eating healthy. Nonetheless, most of us really struggle to say no to the sweet, fatty, salty, processed tasty foods on offer. Far too many of these foods make up a considerable part of our diet. When this is coupled with the fact that we are less active now that in previous years, it is easy to see why we are facing serious health issues in western nations. So let us look at those three benefits.

The 3 exciting benefits of eating healthy are 1) weight loss, 2) less disease and illness, 3) clearer skin. Now I know from personal experience that reasons like these have helped me to commit to eating healthy. We will briefly look at each benefit in turn starting with weight loss. Eating healthy foods can result weight loss and weight management. Trading the sweet, fatty, salty and overly processed foods for healthier more natural food has this great perk. Contrary to what many people think you are likely to eat more as your body burns up your food more quickly. Plus, a number of healthy foods speed up your metabolism.

And in another reason to put the lovely slice of cake down and grab a juicy apple, is healthier eating lessens disease and illness. Your body has the nutrients and vitamins it needs to effectively fight colds, flu and other viruses. It can reduce the likelihood of diseases like diabetes, particularly type 2 which is linked to being overweight. You can lower the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, some cancers and heart disease. These are leading causes of death in many advanced nations and changes to what we eat could help to alter that.

Lastly, a fantastic reason to exchange the excessive and binge alcohol drinking or sugary fizzy drink for water is a healthy diet can help us to be more beautiful. Toxins are flushed out, nutrients provided and digestion aided when our diet become healthier. Skin reflects this becoming clearer, smoother, brighter, less spot and blemish prone. I don't know about you but I'm reaching for the water already.

The challenge that many of us face in our bid to eat healthily is knowing what to eat and what not to eat. Some think they are eating healthy but do not see the benefits I am mentioning. So what can be done? There are many fads out there and so much information that it can become very confusing. My advice is seek a balanced eating plan or advice. Some foods posed as healthy are not good for you so will not help. It is wise to eat all food groups and any diets that totally restricts certain groups is not balanced. Eat foods that are more natural and less processed. You will probably need to search for good information but like L'Oreal says 'you're worth it'. You are worth the time and investment it may take to get the right information so you can see the results you want and deserve. Being slimmer, less prone to illness and disease and having great skin are the benefits of eating healthy that most of us really care about.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Guide In gaining muscle by good bodybuilders

 Makes Muscles develop through or by a process called hypertrophy. The aim of both Bodybuilding and weight training is to achieve maximum hypertrophy or maximum muscle .And there are two sorts of hypertrophy though, and they both achieve different sorts of muscular development. One of these is favored by bodybuilders, the other is favored by competitive weight lifters. So lets look at the difference between the two.

 The sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is the technical name for when a muscle grows in size and this is what most bodybuilders are ultimately looking to achieve. It is believed that this size increase in muscles is caused by an increase in the amount of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle. To encourage this type of muscle development the bodybuilder will aim to lift weights which are not to heavy but which allow for around 8 to 12 reps of the exercise to be done in a set. (This is thought to be the optimum repetition range for encouraging sarcoplasmic fluid to grow in the muscles.) Performing more reps than this causes the muscles to become hardened and strong, rather than to increase in size. The sort of muscles produced by increased reps are similar to those seen in endurance athletes. Strong but not bulky

 If you are wanting to gain strength, more than you are wanting to bulk up, your best bet is to do less reps and use heavier weights. This is what strength athletes do, focusing on just 2-6 reps and pushing to always lift more. This produces myofibrillar hypertrophy, which is where the muscles increase in strength but only minimally increase in size. This is the type of hypertrophy that makes the most effective use of protein and with the right diet increases the amount of actin and myosin proteins in the muscle.

 Any correctly done weightlifting will increase size and strength of muscles because both types of hypertrophy naturally take place in any form of weight lifting. However it is important to know which you are most wanting to achieve. Knowing this will help you to tailor your workout to promote the growth of the muscle type you most wanting. A bodybuilder wants to increase muscle size, while a competitive weight lifter wants to increase the overall strength of his muscles so that they can lift more total weight. This end goal greatly affects how you plan and approach your workouts.

 Another point to note in closing, is that muscles grow when they are resting, so it is important to allow a period of rest between exercising the same muscles when using weights. It is thought that it takes about 48 hours or more for the muscles to recover and achieve maximum hypertrophy. This is particularly important for bodybuilders as they are looking for muscle growth not muscle hardness, endurance athletes on the other hand may wish to exercise more often than this in order to promote hardening of the muscles.