Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jay Cutler. Undisputed

Posted by YNFirwall 7:44 AM, under ,, | 1 comment

Jay Cutler. Undisputed

Movies : Sports : DVD Full : English
FULL DVD, Inculdes:
-Two Disc set.
-All bonuses
-Deleted scense
There is no edited on this movie, just the Full DVD to here. ENJOY!

DVD Jay Cutler 2009

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sleep and its impact on human health

Posted by YNFirwall 1:35 PM, under ,,, | No comments

Sleeping is very important to human body that it make body more comfortable
and why we need it, why it can be hard to get, and how it affects everything from athletic performance to our personal success and heath, is one of the hottest topics in science today.

In 2002 a study at the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center in La Jolla, California compared death rates among more than 1 million American adults. The adults were all a part of a study on cancer prevention and were required to report their average amount of sleep every night. At the time the results of the study from Scripps was surprising, but has since been substantiated by studies in Europe and East Asia.

So How Much Sleep Is Ideal
According to studies people who sleep between 6.5 and 7.5 hours a night live the longest. People who sleep 8 hours or more or less than 6.5 hours have shorter life spans. There seems to be evidence to support that there is just as much risk over sleeping as there is in under-sleeping.

It may be interesting to note that long sleep starts at 8 hours and sleeping 8.5 hours might really be a bit worse than sleeping 5 hours a night.
We can only guess at why people who sleep from 6.5 to 7.5 hours an night live longer, but we don’t really know the cause or the effect.

For example we don’t know for sure if a person who sleeps less time a night can live longer by extending their sleep and if a longer sleep can live longer by getting up a bit earlier.

One thing to remember as well if you are an athlete or bodybuilder, is that one of the only times we can grow or repair muscle is during certain stages of sleep. For the active trainer, and athlete our sleep is very important to recovery, in fact it is just as important as the workouts themselves.

The Eight-Hour Myth - Dispelled
So based on the studies and information at hand the 8 hours a night myth has been effectively squashed but it stems from an average. It's possible that the amount of sleep we need is determined by our genes and may be why we are either short or long sleepers.

The Long And Short Of It
Our genes may determine the amount of sleep our body requires for us to awaken feeling refreshed and recharged. This likely occurs across a gamut, with “short-sleepers” needing less than average and “long-sleepers” needing more.

Sleep Debt
When we don’t get enough sleep to meet our needs, we run into sleep debt. Sleep debt can accumulate. There are a number of signs or things that happen when we are in sleep debt
Daytime sleepiness
Difficulty concentrating
Poor judgment
Increased risk of accidents
Other health complications

We might be able to pay off sleep debt by taking naps or by sleeping in (or just going to bed earlier).

In conclusion
Sleep is very important to everyone regardless of whether you are a bodybuilder or regular person, so remember to make sure your body gets the rest it needs!
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

The idea to be swimmer to gain beautiful bady

Posted by YNFirwall 3:39 AM, under ,,,,,, | No comments

   A male competitive swimmer's body is often touted as the perfect body for men. If you look at the physique of these swimmers, all of them have wide broad shoulders, solid 6 pack abs, powerful arms and legs, V-shaped chiseled chest and back. Is it any wonder why competitive swimmers have such attractive bodies?

So how can we get such an ideal male body shape? By spending most of your life in the swimming pool? Of course not. This is one of the most common misconceptions about building the male swimmers physique. Getting the ideal body shape of a swimmer is not by swimming everyday.

Although swimming is one of the best low impact exercises, it is not how their body type is achieved. In fact, you can even get that magnificent male physique without ever stepping into the pool if you want, but by following a structured exercise and nutritional program to achieve that goal. Unknown to many people, all competitive swimmers do sports specific weight training in the gym.

Although the answer may be simple, it is not as easy when put into practice, especially if you are not a fitness trainer or trained in the science of muscle development. However, it can be done. Here are some tips on how to achieve the male competitive swimmer's body.

The first thing to do is to lose weight or rather lose body fat so that your muscle tone and definition can be seen clearly and not buried under a layer of fat. A healthy and fit male should have about 15% of body fat. For competitive swimmers, their body fat may range from 6% to 18%. However, for your muscle definition to show clearly including showing off your taut 6 pack abs, you should strive for body fat percentage below 12%.

Genetically, the male body tends to store most of its fat above the waist. Since one of the more noticeable features of a swimmer's physique is the well shaped defined upper body, thus it is important for you to be more mindful of your body fat in that part of your physique.

All cardio workouts, right eating habit and weight training can help you to reduce overall body fat. You will never get the classic swimmer's body if your body fat percentage is high. So watch what you eat. In order to lose just one pound of body fat, you will need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories and this and more can be achieved by a combination of diet and exercise. So keep yourself active with a solid commitment to your workout program and you will see results sooner rather than later.

Look, most people think that to get rid of belly fat, you need to do plenty of sit-ups and crunches. That is not true. When you diet and workout to lose body fat, the fat will come off from all over the body. But that is great, isn't it? We do want to get lean all over the body so that our muscle tone for the whole body can be seen, just like those of competitive male swimmer, don't we?

Next, train with weights regularly and intensively. You may have low body fat percentage, but if you do not have nice muscles to be seen, you will simply look scrawny, not to say having the great physique of a swimmer.

So in order for you to attain a swimmer's body, you should inculcate a combination of a good diet program, cardio workouts and weight training. Of course if you want to put swimming into the equation, by all means, go ahead to reach to your goal

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Growth hormone (GH) the way to increase

Posted by YNFirwall 4:55 AM, under ,,, | No comments

   Growth hormone and hopes to be taller and more increases
Many people, especially adults want to increase their height to grow taller. Somehow society pays more respect to taller people and it is a fact that taller people in general get better jobs and tall men are more attractive to girls.

There are many ways to increase your height such as eating the right foods, doing the right stretching exercises, increasing your natural human growth hormone (HGH), participating in certain sports and using height increase hypnosis just to name a few.

The problem is that most people do not believe that one can grow taller if you are an adult although it is a scientific fact. If you are an adult who do not believe that you can increase your height, then you are missing out alot.

For the purpose of this article, we will explore how increasing your own natural production of hgh can help you increase your height to be taller.

Even when you are developing as a foetus in your mommy's belly, you are in a rapid state of growth. This growth spurts will continue until you reach adulthood when everything just stop growing. The growth before adulthood was made possible because of the abundance of our natural human growth hormones in our bodies. However as we get older, the production of Hgh starts to decline year by year.

In other words, when we stop growing, we are in a state of physical decline because we do not repair ourselves effectively not to say growing further. This means that we are slowly wasting away and dying.

The human growth hormone is made up of a complex set of amino acids and is released into our bloodstream by our endocrine system. This hormone is largely produced by our pituitary glands in the brain.

This amazing hormone serves many functions such as helping our body to turn fat into energy needed for growth. It helps to repair damaged bodily tissues and enlargement of organs and muscles. Hgh also directs your bones to increase in size and strength and thus help us to grow taller. Because of its cellular repair abilities, many older folks who increase their hgh production report being able to even look and feel younger.

Therefore, one of the most effective way to increase your height and grow taller is to increase your production of your own natural hgh. Since it is your brain that controls the production of hgh, then you need to trigger your brain into producing more growth hormones. So how can this be done?

There are many ways to encourage and boost your growth hormone level and having enough sleep is one important method. You see, our bodies repair itself from stress and damages of the day when we sleep. In order to rejuvenate the body, hgh and many other hormones are produced in larger quantities during our sleep for this purpose.

If you do not have enough sleep, then less of this hormone is produced. So if you get too little sleep, you will not give your body enough time to release, circulate, and use the hormones in your body. Can you imagine not having enough sleep day after day and year after year, accumulatively your health not to say your height will be highly compromised.

Next, start a regular exercise program which includes weight training and stretching exercises. With the right weight training exercises, your body will produce more growth hormone when you sleep in order to repair and grow your muscles and bones. Stretching exercises decompress your joints, especially your spine and thus make your spine longer and as such, your height is increased.

To encourage your body to produce even more hgh, then take hgh booster supplements. These growth hormone enhancers are made from natural herbs to encourage your body to produce its natural hormones.

Many people mistakenly think that these supplements are steroids which are incorrect. Steroids are artificial hormones injected into your blood stream and can only be administered by a medical practitioner by law because of its known side effects. However, since hgh supplements are made from natural herbs, they are readily available in most health and fitness stores and have relatively no side effects.

So if you want to increase your height to grow taller, then start by having enough sleep, exercise and stretch regularly and supplement your diet with human growth hormone releasers to increase your natural hgh production.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creatine How does it help you to anatomy your body for bodybuilding

Posted by YNFirwall 3:09 AM, under ,,,, | 1 comment

 Creatine is the one of kind important to playing bodybuilding and make anatomy before going to the championship .
Creatine is a metabolite produced in the body composed of three amino acids: l-methionine, l-arginine and l-glycine. Approximately 95% of the concentration is found in skeletal muscle in two forms: creatine phosphate and free chemically unbound creatine. The remaining 5% of the creatine stored in the body is found in the brain, heart and testes. The body of a sedentary person metabolizes and average of 2 grams of creatine a day. Bodybuilders due to their high intensity training metabolize higher amounts than that.

Creatine is generally found in red meats and to some extent in certain types of fish. However it would be hard to get the amount of creatine necessary for performance enhancement as even though 2.2lbs of red meat or tuna contain approximately between 4 to 5 grams of creatine, the compound is destroyed with cooking. Therefore, the best way to get creatine is by taking it in powder form.

How does it work?
While there is still much debate as to how creatine exerts its performance enhancing benefits and increases lean muscle mass, it is commonly accepted by now that most of its effects are due to two mechanisms:

1. Intra-cellular water retention.
2. Creatine's ability to enhance ATP production.

Basically, once the creatine is stored inside the muscle cell, it attracts the water surrounding such cell thereby enlarging it. This super hydrated state of the cell causes nice side effects such as the increase of strength and it also gives the appearance of a fuller muscle. Some studies suggest that a super hydrated cell may also trigger protein synthesis and minimize catabolism.

In addition, creatine provides for faster recovery in between sets and increased tolerance to high volume work. The way it does this is by enhancing the body's ability to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the compound that your muscles use for fuel whenever they contract. ATP provides its energy by releasing one of its phosphate molecules (it has three phosphate molecules). After the release of such molecule, ATP becomes ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) as it now only has two molecules. The problem is that after 10 seconds of contraction time the ATP fuel extinguishes and in order to support further muscle contraction glycolisis (glycogen burning) has to kick in. That is fine and well except for the fact that as a byproduct of that mechanism lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid is what causes the burning sensation at the end of the set. When too much lactic acid is produced, your muscle contractions stop, thereby forcing you to stop the set. However, by taking creatine, you can extend the 10 second limit of your ATP system as creatine provides ADP the phosphate molecule that it is missing (recall that creatine is stored in the muscle as creatine phosphate). By upgrading your body's ability of regenerating ATP, you can exercise longer and harder as you will minimize your lactic acid production and you will be able to take your sets to the next level and reduce fatigue levels. More volume, strength and recovery equals more muscle (assuming nutrition and rest are dialed in).

Creatine also seems to also allow for better pumps during a workout. This may be due to the fact that it possibly improves glycogen synthesis. In addition, studies have shown that creatine helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The mechanisms by which it exerts such benefits remain unknown.

To use creatine:
If you read the bottle, most companies recommend a loading phase of 20 grams for 5 days and 5-10 grams thereafter. While that is the commonly accepted way to use it, in my own experimentation I have found no benefit to loading. I have even gone as far as loading for 7 days with 40 grams a day and found no difference. As a matter of fact, my training partner only took 5 grams a day after the workout and started getting great results after only a couple of weeks. The reason for this is simple. There is only so much creatine that the body can store. Recall that the creatine is stored every time that you take it. So by taking it every day eventually you will reach the upper levels that provide the performance enhancement. After you reach that level, you could get away with just taking it on your weight training days as it takes two weeks of no use for the body's creatine levels to get back to normal.

Another point to talk about is the issue of cycling creatine. If creatine would be a supplement that loses its effectiveness as time goes by then I would recommend cycling. For example, it is beneficial to cycle fat burning supplements containing caffeine and ephedrine as the body's receptors begin to attenuate after 2 to 3 weeks of continual use. Once the body gets used to them, you need to either increase the dosage or stop their use so that the body begins to respond once again. However, that is not the way that creatine works. Basically, creatine gets stored into your muscles and you get the effects mentioned above, period. It is really straightforward. As far as the initial weight gain that you may experience when you start taking it, whether you cycle it or not, you will get the same amount of initial weight gain as that extra weight is determined by the amount of intracellular fluid retention that your muscle cells can store (something that remains a static figure). The reason I say "the weight gain that you may experience" is because if once you start taking it you concurrently increase the volume of your workouts and remain at the same caloric intake level you may lose fat as you gain your added muscle volume and because of that the scale might not register any weight gain (this is what happened to my training partner). However, the lack of "registered" initial weight gain by the scale does not mean that you are a "non-responder". To gauge creatine's efficacy on you judge it by the muscle appearance effects and the performance enhancement in the gym.

Side Effects
The only adverse side effect that I have experienced in my over two years of continual use is the gastric upset at the beginning of use. After a couple of weeks or so my system adapted to absorbing the powder. Other than that, I have not observed any other side effects. Keep in mind however that the liver and kidneys have to process this compound. Therefore, I would not recommend it for someone with kidney problems or liver problems. Also, even if you are completely healthy ensure more than adequate hydration levels (bodyweight x 0.66 = total ounces of water to drink per day) and if you drink coffee, add an extra 16 ounces of water for every cup that you drink over the day.

A side effect that I have read happened but I am unable to quantify is the fact that your body's production of creatine shuts down. However, after cessation of use, according to all of the literature your body's production kicks in again. No adverse effects have been documented due to the creatine shutdown created by the body.

In my view the greatest advantage that creatine gives you (besides the cosmetic effect of bigger looking and fuller muscles) is that it enables you to handle more volume and recover faster in between sets by upgrading the body's capabilities to produce ATP, thereby decreasing the production of lactic acid. Therefore, in my opinion, people that will get the most benefit from creatine are those that follow a high volume, short rest in between sets type of workout. Remember that the more work that you can cram into an hour the more you'll grow (provided good cycling of volume and intensity as we have discussed in previous articles).

Again, like I have said in previous articles, even though I believe that creatine is a safe supplement, don't take my word for it if you have doubts. Do your own research and objectively review the data. If you feel creatine may be good for you, then just follow the recommendations laid out in this article and provided your overall training and nutrition strategy are good, I guarantee that you will see results from it.

Good brands of creatine that I have used are Prolab, EAS, Champion Nutrition, Labrada, Beverly International, Met-Rx and iSatori.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Best Weight Training Program

All exercises were performed using strict form for 3 sets each resting around 1 minute in between sets. For repetitions, I would perform the following periodization model:

Weeks 1-2: 13-15 reps
Weeks 3-4: 10-12 reps

Weeks 5-6: 8-10 reps

After week 6, I would start over at the 13-15 repetition range. Also, I would change the order in which I would perform the exercises for each body part in order to keep the body guessing.

Cardiovascular Exercise

I would perform cardiovascular exercise in the form of walking on the pavement either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 30-45 minutes, or right after the workout if for whatever reason the morning was not an option. On the final 6 weeks I had to do 45 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes right after the workout later on.



































Diet consisted typically of five low carbohydrate days and two high carbohydrate days, which most of the time were Mondays and Thursdays. This strategy worked as it prevents the body from adapting to the diet. At times, my trainer would add an extra high carbohydrate day while other times he would take one away. It all depended on how my body was reacting to the program.

Sample Low Carbohydrate Day Diet

The diet below provides a sample of how my low carbohydrate days diet typically looked like. For the most part, except for Mondays and Thursdays, all other days were low carbohydrate days.

Meal 1:
9 egg whites (can be from pasteurized carton)
3/4 cup oatmeal (measured dry before cooking)

Supplements: 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 2:
30 grams of protein from protein shake

1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil

Meal 3:
3.5 ounces of fish
3/4 cup of brown rice (measured cooked)
6 ounces of green beans

Supplements: Multiple Vitamin and Mineral with Extra Iron, 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 4:
30 grams of protein from protein shake
1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil

Meal 5:
3.5 ounces of fish
5 oz broiled baked potato
6 ounces of green beans

Supplements: 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 6:
3.5 oz Halibut
6 ounces of broccoli

Monday and Thursday

Sample High Carbohydrate Day Diet

The diet below provides a sample of how your diet can look like. Feel free to make any substitutions by using the Food Group tables provided above.

Meal 1:
9 egg whites (can be from pasteurized carton)
3/4 cup oatmeal (measured dry before cooking)

Supplements: 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 2:
30 grams of protein from protein shake
1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil
1/2 cup oatmeal (measured dry before cooking)

Meal 3:
3.5 ounces of fish
3/4 cup of brown rice (measured cooked)
6 ounces of green beans

Supplements: Multiple Vitamin and Mineral with Extra Iron, 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 4:
30 grams of protein from protein shake
1/2 cup oatmeal (measured dry before cooking)
1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil

Meal 5:
3.5 ounces of fish
3.5 oz broiled baked potato
6 ounces of green beans

Supplements: 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid & 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Meal 6:
3.5 oz Halibut
6 ounces of broccoli

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Digestive system for human in nutrition

Posted by YNFirwall 1:45 AM, under ,,, | 2 comments

Digestive system The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste.

Most of the digestive organs (like the stomach and intestines) are tube-like and contain the food as it makes its way through the body. The digestive system is essentially a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, plus a few other organs (like the liver and pancreas) that produce or store digestive chemicals.

The Digestive Process:
The start of the process - the mouth: The digestive process begins in the mouth. Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes (these enzymes are produced by the salivary glands and break down starches into smaller molecules).

On the way to the stomach: the esophagus - After being chewed and swallowed, the food enters the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. This muscle movement gives us the ability to eat or drink even when we're upside-down.

In the stomach - The stomach is a large, sack-like organ that churns the food and bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric acid). Food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids is called chyme.

In the small intestine - After being in the stomach, food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. It then enters the jejunum and then the ileum (the final part of the small intestine). In the small intestine, bile (produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder), pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes produced by the inner wall of the small intestine help in the breakdown of food.

In the large intestine - After passing through the small intestine, food passes into the large intestine. In the large intestine, some of the water and electrolytes (chemicals like sodium) are removed from the food. Many microbes (bacteria like Bacteroides, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella) in the large intestine help in the digestion process. The first part of the large intestine is called the cecum (the appendix is connected to the cecum). Food then travels upward in the ascending colon. The food travels across the abdomen in the transverse colon, goes back down the other side of the body in the descending colon, and then through the sigmoid colon.

The end of the process - Solid waste is then stored in the rectum until it is excreted via the anus.

Digestive System Glossary:
abdomen - the part of the body that contains the digestive organs. In human beings, this is between the diaphragm and the pelvis
alimentary canal - the passage through which food passes, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and anus.
anus - the opening at the end of the digestive system from which feces (waste) exits the body.
appendix - a small sac located on the cecum.
ascending colon - the part of the large intestine that run upwards; it is located after the cecum.
bile - a digestive chemical that is produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and secreted into the small intestine.
cecum - the first part of the large intestine; the appendix is connected to the cecum.
chyme - food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids. Chyme goes on to the small intestine for further digestion.
descending colon - the part of the large intestine that run downwards after the transverse colon and before the sigmoid colon.
digestive system - (also called the gastrointestinal tract or GI tract) the system of the body that processes food and gets rid of waste.
duodenum - the first part of the small intestine; it is C-shaped and runs from the stomach to the jejunum.
epiglottis - the flap at the back of the tongue that keeps chewed food from going down the windpipe to the lungs. When you swallow, the epiglottis automatically closes. When you breathe, the epiglottis opens so that air can go in and out of the windpipe.
esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach.
gall bladder - a small, sac-like organ located by the duodenum. It stores and releases bile (a digestive chemical which is produced in the liver) into the small intestine.
gastrointestinal tract - (also called the GI tract or digestive system) the system of the body that processes food and gets rid of waste.
ileum - the last part of the small intestine before the large intestine begins.
intestines - the part of the alimentary canal located between the stomach and the anus.
jejunum - the long, coiled mid-section of the small intestine; it is between the duodenum and the ileum.
liver - a large organ located above and in front of the stomach. It filters toxins from the blood, and makes bile (which breaks down fats) and some blood proteins.
mouth - the first part of the digestive system, where food enters the body. Chewing and salivary enzymes in the mouth are the beginning of the digestive process (breaking down the food).
pancreas - an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the small intestine.
peristalsis - rhythmic muscle movements that force food in the esophagus from the throat into the stomach. Peristalsis is involuntary - you cannot control it. It is also what allows you to eat and drink while upside-down.
rectum - the lower part of the large intestine, where feces are stored before they are excreted.
salivary glands - glands located in the mouth that produce saliva. Saliva contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (starch) into smaller molecules.
sigmoid colon - the part of the large intestine between the descending colon and the rectum.
stomach - a sack-like, muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus. Both chemical and mechanical digestion takes place in the stomach. When food enters the stomach, it is churned in a bath of acids and enzymes.
transverse colon - the part of the large intestine that runs horizontally across the abdomen.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Body Physiology- Secrets Exercise to lose weight

  The body normally burns a mix of carbohydrate, as glucose, and fat for fuel. How much of either depends on your physical activity and if, or what you have eaten recently. When you use more energy than you take in from food and drink, the body burns stored fat and carbohydrates, and then even protein, to fuel your everyday activities even if you are not exercising

That’s what happens when people starve of course; the body starts to eat itself. Depending on your family history -- your genetics -- and the way you eat and exercise to create this energy deficit, your body may decide to get conservative and drop your metabolic rate to try to hold onto body weight. Some of us seem to have inherited this tendency more than others, the origins of which may be in the early periods of human evolution where 'feast or famine' was more or less the norm.

Glucose, fat and protein. Even so, starvation always works eventually and the body starts to break down its own tissue for fuel. Stored carbohydrate called glycogen is quickly used up, then goes the fat stored under the skin and around the internal organs. Protein in muscle is then broken down to create glucose to keep the brain working and you conscious.

Fat and glucose are the body’s two main energy sources. Fat you know well, glucose comes mainly from carbohydrate foods like rice and bread and potatoes and protein is supplied mainly by meat and beans and dairy products. The amino acid building blocks of protein foods can be converted to glucose in emergencies. Your body always burns a mix of fat and glucose except at very high intensities, and the ratio of the fat and glucose in 'the burn' varies with intensity and time of exercise.

Fat burning zone. You may have noticed that some bikes and treadmills at the gym have a setting that says “fat burning zone”, which implies a setting for intensity or speed. The reason for this is that the body burns a greater percentage of fat at a slow pace (or after about 90 minutes of exercise). The fat burning zone, a low intensity speed zone is mainly a gimmick, and here is the reason.

Even though you burn more fat going slowly, you still burn a percentage of fat at much faster speeds or intensity. It all boils down to how much energy you expend in totality. For example, if you compare exercising at a slow rate that burns 60 percent fat and 40 percent glucose and a higher intensity or duration that burns only 30 percent fat and 70 percent glucose, you may still burn more fat at the higher intensity.

A typical example. Exercise (1) is the slower 60/40 mix and exercise (2) is the faster, 30/70 mix of fat and glucose fuel.

1. Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes -- 180 calories used -- 108 calories of fat burned

2. Running on a treadmill for 30 minutes -- 400 calories used -- 120 calories of fat burned

You can see from this example that the bottom line really is how much energy you expend -- and that is the ultimate fat burning measure. The theoretical fat burning zone is mostly a convenient myth.

Weight Training Does it Better -- Or Does It?
Muscle burns more fat. Weight training is increasingly recommended as a fat-busting tool because some experts say extra muscle burns more energy than body fat at rest, so if you develop more muscle and have a higher muscle to fat ratio than before, you must burn extra energy and more stored fat as a result. This is true and has been shown in metabolic studies. However, the differences are not that dramatic; perhaps less than a few tens of calories per day for each pound of muscle increased, for most people.

Does that mean you shouldn’t worry about weight training? Certainly not, because weight training has many other benefits for health and performance, not the least of which is extra muscle. It’s just that this advantage has been somewhat overstated and we need to get this fat burning thing right in order to develop the best weight loss and performance programs.

Getting the afterburn. Okay, so extra muscle does not provide that much advantage, but what about the afterburn? The 'afterburn', or the amount of energy you use after you stop exercising, has been promoted as an important slimming idea. If you can get afterburn, which is really another way of saying your metabolism increases for several hours or longer after a particular exercise, then that’s a bonus because you burn fat during the exercise and after you cease as well. Will the fun ever stop!

However, this idea has recently been reconsidered as well. An article in the Journal of Sports Science reported that despite some promising early studies of this effect, the idea has not proven to be as useful as first thought.

Exercise scientists call this afterburn effect EPOC, which stands for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption. The authors of that study say that the high intensities required -- greater than about 75 percent of maximum heart rate -- are probably beyond what most people wanting to lose weight can cope with in sustained exercise. So the afterburn advantage from lifting weights or running fast is there, but you need to be able to sustain that intensity, which means a lot of hard work. No secrets there, I'm sure.

We also need to consider how fuel is used preferentially according to how your body stores are maintained. After you do a vigorous or long workout, your blood and muscle glucose will be much lower than before you started. Low glucose stores signal the body to burn fat preferentially. So after hard exercise that uses a lot of glucose, the body switches to burning fat. That's why all Prevenergy expenditure is important, not just fat burning during exercise.

Strength training has so many great things going for it that I'm a big fan -- increased strength, more muscle and body shape, better balance and bone density and improved functionality across all facets of human movement. But let’s be honest, we all need aerobic or cardio training as well. It has its own set of important functional benefits including general fitness, elastic arteries, increased heart and lung function and lower blood pressure to name a few benefits.

Lifting weights can easily move us into the high intensity exercise zone above the 75 percent effort required to get some afterburn, but it's only for short bursts. This is not consistent, steady-state effort and does not generally burn as much energy as a good run on the treadmill, cycle or row machine at moderate pace. For example, here are the energy expenditure calculations for weights versus cardio for one hour of exercise from the NAT Nutritional Analysis Tools web site. I've based this on a 150 pound person (just under 70 kilograms).

1. Running at 8 minutes a mile pace (5 min/km) -- burn 852 calories (kilocalories)

2. Weight lifting, vigorous, free weights or machines -- burn 409 calories (kilocalories)

I’ve tried to line these activities up for effort so that the comparison is worthwhile. Whenever I check these numbers it astounds me because I run and I lift weights, and sometimes I feel much fresher after a run than going for it in the gym with sub-10 RM (repetition maximum) and three sets of ten exercises. Nevertheless, the numbers always come out the same with any reputable energy calculator. Sustained aerobics always spends about twice the energy of weight training in a comparable comparison. You can see from this why cardio sessions are important for fat loss.

Should I Exercise Before Breakfast to Burn More Fat?

The answer is 'not necessarily', because even though you will burn more fat on an empty stomach, ultimately this will probably make little difference because your energy intake and expenditure and metabolism balances out, more or less, over the 24-hour period. What really matters is your total energy intake and expenditure, that is, how much you eat and how much you exercise and move in general.

However, stay tuned on this because until this is examined further scientifically, how much meal timing manipulation could help with fat loss is not certain. One thing that seems clear is that people who eat breakfast maintain weight better and lose fat quicker, so don’t skip breakfast.

The Best Strategy for Fat Loss

So where are we at with our fat burning project? Here is a summary.
Increase muscle with weight training. Extra muscle helps to burn more energy at rest, even if only a little. This is called the resting metabolic rate of muscle or RMR. Extra muscle will also burn more fat in active phase, the active metabolic rate if you like, or the AMR, so having more muscle will definitely help burn more energy and fat.

Lift heavier weights. What I suggest is that the weights workout should be vigorous, with the number of repetitions kept at the low to medium end of the scale between 8 and 12 RM. To remind you, the RM is the repetition maximum, which means the most weight you can lift for this number of reps before fatigue. The 8-12 is within a range that should provide strength and bigger muscle growth, which is called hypertrophy.

If you go higher than this, say 15 to 20 repetitions to a set, or more, you are getting into the range where you would probably be better off doing cardio because the return on effort, the energy burn, is better spent jogging, cycling, stepping or rowing. At that number of repetitions you won’t build much muscle either, so very high-repetition training with weights has minimum value in my view.

Do aerobic exercise. Considering how much energy you would use in an hour of either type of exercise, weights or cardio, you must do some consistent aerobic or cardio work to burn fat.

Try high-intensity cardio. High-intensity exercise, even if only in short bursts, may rev up the metabolism and get that fat mobilized in the post-exercise period. Do some high intensity as well, but don’t overdo it, because burning the fat is a long-term project and you don’t want to get ‘burned out’. A group exercise program such as a solid cycle spin class might match this requirement. In fact, I highly recommend group cycle spin classes where you are encouraged to go fast, yet with the option to slow down if you need to.

Weights and Cardio Circuit Training Programs

Combining weights and cardio in a circuit interval session is also an excellent approach to fat burning. The weights circuits are based on the idea of mixing high and low-intensity weights and cardio in a circuit. This idea is not new, but what I've designed uses basic equipment and is easy to follow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to Make Hypertrophy programme

   While bodybuilding may still dominate many sport-specific strength training programs, in reality it is only suitable for a small number of athletes and should only make up a portion of the overall conditioning program. See the

sport specific approach to strength training article to see how these sample hypertrophy weight training programs are incorporated into the annual plan.

Athletes that can benefit from a phase of hypertrophy training include shot putters, rugby players, heavyweight wrestlers and linemen in football. For these individuals, an increase in active fat-free mass is beneficial. Other athletes such as boxers and wrestlers may want to move up a weight class and can use a bodybuilding approach to do so.

Traditional bodybuilding aims to increase the size of every muscle group making it a time consuming and enervating pursuit. Hypertrophy training for sport on the other hand aims only to increase the size of the prime movers, saving time and energy for other modes of training.

Whilst these hypertrophy weight training programs increase muscle and mass, they do not result in the nervous system adaptations that occur with maximal strength training - such as increased recruitment of fast twitch fibers and better synchronization of the muscles involved in the action (1).

To this end, a phase of hypertrophy training should be followed by a phase of maximal strength training before finally being converted into sport-specific power or muscular endurance.The table below is an example of how this may occur for a collegiate-level football lineman:

is the increase of the size of an organ. It should be distinguished from hyperplasia which occurs due to cell division; hypertrophy occurs due to an increase in cell size rather than division. It is most commonly seen in muscle that has been actively stimulated, the most well-known method being exercise.

Hypertrophy is only desirable when it occurs in the skeletal muscles. This is most effectively done by undertaking resistance training, though it can also occur during other high anaerobic exercises such as interval training, rowing, cycling and sprinting.

For hypertrophy to occur in the skeletal muscles, the muscle must be directly stimulated as discussed above. Also a diet, in which there is a caloric surplus and abundant in protein is required in conjunction with regular rest (8-10 hours per night). Also you should consult with your physician before undertaking any strenuous exercise routine.

Hypertrophy can be pathological in many organs; for example in the heart hypertrophy of the left ventricle can be associated with up to a four fold risk of dying over the following 5 years. In skeletal muscle, it is usually helpful and increases strength.

Two different types of hypertrophy are common; Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, in which sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle cell increases rather than the contractile protein, and hence no increase in contractile strength. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy, in which there is an increase in myofibrils, and hence increase in muscular contractile strength.

Resistance training

Resistance training typically produces a combination of the two different types of hypertrophy; contraction against 80-90% of the one repetition maximum for a lower number of repetitions causes myofibrillated hypertrophy to dominate (as in powerlifters, olympic lifters and strength athletes), while several repetitions against a sub-maximal load facilitates mainly sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (professional bodybuilders and endurance athletes).

Ventricular hypertrophy

Increased ventricular mass is an adaptation by the ventricle to increased stress, such as chronically increased volume load (preload) or increased pressure load (afterload). It is a physiological response that enables the heart to adapt to increased stress; however, the response can become pathological and ultimately lead to a deterioration in function. For example, hypertrophy is a normal physiological adaptation to exercise training that enables the ventricle to enhance its pumping capacity. This type of physiologic hypertrophy is reversible and non-pathological. Chronic hypertension causes ventricular hypertrophy. This response enables the heart to maintain a normal stroke volume despite the increase in afterload. However, over time, pathological changes occur in the heart that lead to a functional degradation and heart failure.

If the precipitating stress is volume overload, the ventricle responds by adding new sarcomeres in-series with existing sarcomeres. This results in ventricular dilation while maintaining normal sarcomere lengths. The wall thickness normally increases in proportion to the increase in chamber radius. This type of hypertrophy is termed eccentric hypertrophy.

In the case of chronic pressure overload, the chamber radius may not change; however, the wall thickness greatly increases as new sarcomeres are added in-parallel to existing sarcomeres. This is termed concentric hypertrophy. This type of ventricle is capable of generating greater forces and higher pressures, while the increased wall thickness maintains normal wall stress. This type of ventricle becomes "stiff" (i.e., compliance is reduced) which can impair filling and lead to diastolic dysfunction.

Neural Response

The first measurable effect is an increase in the neural drive stimulating muscle contraction. Within just a few days, an untrained individual can achieve measurable strength gains resulting from "learning" to use the muscle.

Genetic Response

As the muscle continues to receive increased demands, the synthetic machinery is upregulated. Although all the steps are not yet clear, this upregulation appears to begin with the ubiquitous second messenger system (including phospholipases, protein kinase C, tyrosine kinase, and others). These, in turn, activate the family of immediate-early genes, including c-fos, c-jun and myc. These genes appear to dictate the contractile protein gene response.

Protein Synthesis

Finally, the message filters down to alter the pattern of protein expression. It can take as long as two months for actual hypertrophy to begin. The additional contractile proteins appear to be incorporated into existing myofibrils (the chains of sarcomeres within a muscle cell). There appears to be some limit to how large a myofibril can become: at some point, they split. These events appear to occur within each muscle fiber. That is, hypertrophy results primarily from the growth of each muscle cell, rather than an increase in the number of cells.

Penile Hypertrophy is the continual enlargement of a males penis.

Examples of sample hypertrophy:

Hypertrophy weight training programs can follow several formats. One popular format is the total body routine where each session consists of exercises to target all the major muscle groups in the body. This would be performed 2-3 days per week with at least 24 hours rest between sessions:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fitness when woman pregnancy

Posted by YNFirwall 6:58 PM, under ,, | No comments

Research has determined that remaining active during pregnancy offers several benefits to the mother and to the future newborn as well. The key to reaping out such benefits is to adjust your exercise program in order to make it safe for yourself and your baby during this period and to keep in mind that the goal of exercising during this period is to maintain your present level of fitness, not to improve.
The benefits that exercise offers to expecting mothers include:
Speedier recovery after delivery.
Increased sense of well being and self esteem during and after pregnancy.
Less leg cramps.
Larger placenta which in turn provides an increased nutrient base for the baby.
Decrease the risk of excessive weight gain caused by an increase of fat storage.
Stronger lower back which in turn reduces the risk of lower back pains.
Boost in energy levels.
Decrease the likelihood of varicose veins.
Reduced chances of having a Caesarean birth.
Higher chances of achieving labor either a few days earlier or on time.
Exercise helps prepare the body for the stresses imposed by labor and delivery.

How Much Exercise is Okay?

The amount of exercise that mothers to be will be able to tolerate during these 9 months is directly related to how active they were before becoming pregnant. If a woman has never exercised before in her life, this is not the time to start a full blown weight training and intense aerobics program. Starting a weight training program is very traumatic on the body. This is not the kind of stress that we want to put the body under at this time.

Just a Beginner? A sensible approach for someone who has never exercised before is to start a mild daily 20 to 30 minute aerobics program consisting of walking at a normal pace. Why walking? Because walking is one of the most natural and safest forms of exercise. At this time, it is crucial to choose exercises that do not result in a loss of balance since a fall during this period could prove to be fatal for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, aerobic activities such as aerobic dance, bench step classes, kickboxing aerobics, & roller blading are out of the question.

Precautions There are certain precautions that you will need to incorporate in your walking program in order to make it safe. Remembering that the goal during this period is to maintain, not to improve, your workout intensity should be mild to moderate. In other words, you should walk at a normal pace and should not attempt to push yourself. Pushing yourself will put undue stress in your body and will increase the chances of reaching two conditions that should be avoided at all times during pregnancy:

Your heart rate should never exceed 140 beats per minute. Therefore, be especially careful to monitor your heart rate during exercise. That can be easily done by counting the amount of times your heart beats in ten seconds while you are performing the activity and then multiplying that number by 6. This will give you the amount of beats per minute. In order to avoid your heart rate from going this high, walk at a normal pace.
Your body temperature should never exceed 100 degrees Farenheit (or 38 degrees Celsius). In order to avoid this, walk at a normal pace and choose a time and place where it is neither hot nor humid. Walking either early in the morning or in the late afternoons is the best time. Also, avoid wearing clothing that is too warm. If you rather walk indoors, do not use a motorized treadmill since it is easy to trip and fall while using these device, as it is the machine and not you the one that sets the pace. Instead, use the non-motorized models where you are the one that sets the pace. Other good forms of indoor exercises for expectant mothers are swimming and water walking.

If you have been weight training prior to becoming pregnant, then you may continue your weight training activities during pregnany as long as they are not activities that could result in a loss of balance and you lower your intensity to prevent an increased body temperature and heart rate. Again, the goal during this period is maintenance and not improvement. Therefore, don’t push yourself.

Women who weight training while pregnant should adhere to the following rules:
Increase your rest periods in between sets to two minutes in order to maintain a normal body temperature and a low pulse (below 140 beats).
Perform only 2 exercises per body part of 3 sets each.
In order to stay away from reaching muscular failure (point at which it becomes impossible to perform another repetition in good form) choose a weight that you can perform for 12-15 repetitions and perform 8-10 repetitions per set instead.
Eliminate exercises where you have to lay down flat in your back (such as flat dumbbell bench press) since this position can decrease blood flow to the uterus and therefore the baby.
Eliminate exercises that may cause a loss of balance such as lunges and squats. Instead, substitute them for exercises like seated leg curls and leg extensions. As a matter of fact, if you have access to machines, this is the perfect time to use them. Remember our previous discussions on the fact that we prefer to recommend free weights since our body is designed to operate on a three dimensional universe and machines lock us in a two dimensional one? During pregnancy, being locked in a two dimensional universe is a good thing since that would make the exercises safer and would eliminate the possibility
of losing balance. Also, by using machines, secondary stabilizer muscles, such as abdominal and pelvic muscles, are not activated. This is a good thing as we don’t want to create any undue stress in these areas at this time. Another reason why machines are more desirable at this time is to prevent joint injuries. During pregnancy, a loosening of the joints occurs. This loosening allows ligaments and tendons to stretch in preparation for delivery. Because of this, there is a higher risk of incurring a soft tissue injury if free weights are used. If you choose to continue using free weights during this period, then remember to pay close attention to your exercise form and to choose your exercises carefully.
Eliminate the Abdominal exercise portion of your workout as we must avoid any exercise that may risk even mild abdominal trauma. In addition, avoid exercises where you have to lay down flat in your stomach. For instance, substitute lying leg curls, by either standing or seated leg curls.
Don’t hold your breath while exercising since by doing so, you can cut the oxygen supply to your baby.

Fitness when woman pregnancy

Takeing break in playing bodybuilding make you better and increasing

                                                                                                  Mr. Universe Lee Labrada
   The goal is to maximize the amount of work (read "stress") you place on a muscle group, during the shortest amount of training time possible. Workouts should not take more than 30-45 minutes.
Your workouts should create sufficient stress on the muscle group that you are training so that the muscle group will respond in kind through the adaptation process to create new muscle growth.
Beginners who are just getting started in bodybuilding require very little stimulation in order to achieve gains in strength and muscle size. As a beginner's body adapts to workouts however, changes need to be implemented to keep progress from coming to a halt. Bodybuilding is an endless cycle of "stress, adapt; stress adapt." In other words, during training you place a stress on the muscle. You put a load on the muscles that they temporarily cannot accommodate. In response, your body grows additional muscle tissue i.e., it adapts.

If progress comes to a halt, we call this "hitting a plateau." A training plateau is a point at which no further progress can be made without a change in training. Breaking through a training plateau and continuing to make progress is a simple matter of changing the quality or quantity of your training.

If you have hit a plateau recently, here are several things to consider in order to push through the plateau and continue to make progress.

Lee Labrada's Plateau Busting Tips

Over-training is one of the most common causes of hitting a plateau in your physical development. The first thing you should do if your progress comes to a halt is to rule out the possibility that you are over-trained. How do you know if you are over-trained? Here are some symptoms to look for: aching muscles and joints, frequent colds or illness, low energy and motivation, and sleeplessness. If you are over-training, the remedy is to take a couple of days off to allow the body to completely rejuvenate itself and then ease back into training. This works wonders!

Perform a different variation of the exercises that you normally do for a muscle group. For instance, when training my shoulders, I like to perform my shoulder presses with a straight bar. For variation, I may substitute dumbbell shoulder presses for this movement. As a simple a change as this may appear, it will place a different stress on the shoulder muscles and could help help me break through a plateau in shoulder development. The second shoulder exercise would normally be lateral dumbbell raises. Instead of performing lateral raises with a set of dumbbells as I normally would, I could do the equivalent exercise with a low cable. The idea is to vary the exercise enough to place a novel stress on the targeted muscle group. Variety in exercises not only helps you to keep the muscles growing, but it will keep your interest fresh. As they say, variety is the spice of life!

Change the stress that is applied on a muscle group by changing the amount of weight used on an exercise. This will impact the number of repetitions that you can perform. I normally recommend no more than 8-10 repetitions per set, utilizing a heavy weight and carrying the muscular group to failure (i.e., the point at which you cannot perform another unassisted repetition.) Decreasing the weight that you use in your exercises by as much as 20% on every third or fourth workout will allow you to perform more repetitions on each set, before reaching muscular failure. For example, let's say that I normally perform eight reps in the bench press with 300 lbs. on my maximum set. On a third or fourth chest workout, I will decrease the weight I use to 240 lbs., which enables me to perform 15 repetitions. This higher repetition scheme taxes different elements of the muscle and can stimulate new growth.

Change the order in which you perform exercises. Coming back to the example of the shoulders, if I normally start with some sort of pressing movement such as the military press (or the dumbbell press), followed by a lateral exercise (shoulder laterals), I will flip-flop them. In other words, I will start with laterals first, then follow that with the pressing exercise. Changing the order of exercises once again varies the stress. Performing isolation exercises (exercises that isolate the target muscle group and usually only involve one joint) such as the shoulder laterals first "pre-fatigues" or "pre-exhausts" the muscle group. Then the muscle group is "overloaded" by the compound exercise (exercise that involves not only the target muscle group, but adjacent muscle groups, and involves more than one joint) which in this case is the shoulder press. Other days, I choose to do the compound exercise first, using as much weight as possible. Each regimen has its distinct benefits.

Use forced repetitions. Forced repetitions (or assisted repetitions) are one of my favorite training tools. Once you have reached the point of failure on a set (the point at which you cannot perform another unassisted repetition) your partner assists you in performing another 1-2 repetitions. Your partner should only give you enough assistance to keep the weight moving. Once he has helped you to raise the weight, you should lower the weight under your own control. These are called "forced reps." A tremendous amount of muscle intensity can be generated using forced reps so they must be used sparingly, and I recommend that beginners stay away from them completely until they have at least 6 months of training invested. I typically use forced reps only on the last set of an exercise, and then only when I am in a high intensity training phase. Don't overdo forced reps as they will quickly lead to over-training.

By the way, make sure that your bodybilding deit will support your training. If you are not getting adequate nutrition and protein intake, your training is for naught.

Playing bodybuilding one of the ways to Lose weight for woman

Posted by YNFirwall 5:22 PM, under ,,,, | No comments

            To spend only three days a week in the gym, and have significant results, here is a great sample schedule to do it. Follow this exact schedule if you like, or feel free to adjust it to your preference if you wish to train other body parts on different days.

Monday: Legs and shoulders, calves
Tuesday: Training off
Wednesday: Back and biceps, abs
Thursday: Training off
Friday: Chest and triceps, abs
Saturday: Training off
Sunday: Training off

Number of Exercises, Sets, Reps

Try to do 3 or 4 exercises per major muscle group (legs, back, chest, shoulders), and 2 or 3 exercises per minor muscle group (biceps, triceps). You can do 1 or 2 exercises for abs and calves. Go for 3-4 sets of about 15-20 reps per set as I have found this repetition range to be optimal for toning and fat loss.

Training Time

On training days, try to train not later than before the 4th meal, so that you have enough energy to train well during the day.

Mercedes Khani's Bodybuilding Diet Advice for Fat Loss and Toning

Instead of talking about what you can not eat, let's talk about what you can eat. There are actually a lot of food items that you can include in your bodybuilding diet plan

I want you to have six 'meals' a day as eating more frequently will increase your metabolism which in turns helps you to lose fat and will also feed the muscle so that it gets that firm and toned look you are after. Don't worry, you won't have to spend your time in the kitchen cooking all day; some of the 'meals' will be a quick shake or a small snack. You will be eating every 3 hours so that your body becomes more efficient at burning all the calories faster. This is what we want to happen in order to lose that body fat.

I made a great tasting diet schedule for you, which will help you get the results you are looking for. Each meal consists of carbs, proteins and fat sources as you can see in the diet plan below. Feel free to switch the foods from the sample diet below up with any of the other food sources from the same category. Just pick what you feel like having from the table, or follow my sample diet schedule and you will be well on your way to great results. It's easy as that!

Food Preparation

Preferably I want your vegetables to be steamed and I want you to use Pam fat-free cooking spray instead of olive oil or especially butter to cook your food. You can find calorie-free salad dressing in all flavors for a great tasting salad and delicious calorie free marinades for chicken, beef or fish. You can also use fat-free mayonnaise, ketchup, sweeteners, herbs and spices to enhance the taste of your food. Told you this diet would be good!

The amount per food item is based on a 120-140 pound female who wishes to lose body fat and add some muscle at the same time to become more toned and firm looking. Add a little more amount per food item if your weight is higher and/or if you are very active during the day.

Meal Timing

I like to train after the 3rd meal and before my 4th meal, so I added some good fats in the meal before my training. If you want to train earlier, try to move your good fats (in this example the almonds) to the meal before your training. They will give you extra energy to train and will make you feel full, especially with a full glass of water to spread out the fibers in your tummy, which the almonds contain.

You don't want the good fats in the meal after your training. Fat slows down the uptake and digestion of nutrients in your body and after training the body needs carbs and proteins as fast as possible in order to start the recovery process. By having a post workout meal that does not include fats, the necessary carbs and protein nutrients will be taken up by the body faster after your training. 
Mercedes Khani's Sample Diet Plan For Fat Loss and Toning

Meal 1 / Breakfast:
½ cup oatmeal (with cinnamon and sweeteners)
6 egg whites with 1 yolk
Half grapefruit

Meal 2 / Mid-morning:
½ cup fat free cottage cheese
1 Apple

Meal 3 / Lunch:
½ cup (cooked) brown rice with 4 oz. chicken breast, broccoli and cauliflower
Small mixed salad with one full hand of almonds

Meal 4 / Mid-afternoon:
½ packet Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 5 / Dinner:
1 cup sweet potato
4 oz. salmon
Asparagus and carrots
Small mixed salad

Meal 6 / Pre-bedtime:
1 ½ scoop protein shake

Pick your carbs, proteins and fat sources here if you like to switch from the sample diet:
Good Carbs
  • ½ cup (cooked) brown rice
  • 3 rice cakes
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • 2 slices whole wheat toast
  • 1 cup sweet potato
  • 4 oz. salmon (also contains good fat)
  • 6 egg whites, 1 yolk (yolk contains fat)
  • 4 oz. any fish
  • 3 oz. chicken breast
  • 3 oz. turkey breast
  • 4 oz. lean beef (top round)
  • ½ cup fat free cottage cheese

Good Fat
  • Any fatty fish
  • ¼ advocado
  • ½ tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 full hand almonds or walnuts
  • ½ full hand peanuts or cashews

Free Meal Over The Weekends!

To give you a nice treat, besides the treat of your body changing to the way you want to pretty soon, the you can have one free meal on Saturday and one free meal on Sunday! During this meal, you can eat whatever you want. Try not to go overboard though; it's better not to. That way it doesn't take too many days for your body to get back on the fat-burning track again after the weekend. Also, in this manner, the free meals work to boost your metabolism as opposed to crippling your ability to burn more body fat.

Supplements for Fat Loss and Toning

Experimenting with supplements and fat loss myself, I found that the following supplements really helped me in losing fat, and gaining muscle for that toned fit body at the same time. Besides that, they helped me to feel energetic during the day. Since I want you to feel the same way, here is my recommended list of supplements for fat loss and toning:
  • One 1000 mg vitamin C in the morning and one after training
  • A good multi vitamin and mineral formula .
  • One 400 mg vitamin E after training
  • 5 gram L-Glutamine after training and 5 gram before bedtime (for great recovery)
  • 5 gram Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) before training and 5 gram after training (for energy and great recovery)
  • 2 servings of  fish oil a day (to help you lose fat)
  • 2 to 3 servings of HMB a day, depending on the brand (to help you lose fat and gain muscle)
  • 2 servings CLA a day (to help you lose fat)
These are the best supplements in my opinion to give you all the energy and all the nutritional support you need in order to lose body fat and gain muscle for a beautifully toned body. As you can see, there are no magic potions or formulas, but simply some basic proven supplements that will greatly benefit your training and dieting efforts as well as your health. 
S.O.S. - Need Help; I Have Cravings!

What should you do when the cravings come up strong sometimes? Well, actually there are all kinds of treats to satisfy your cravings without eating something you're not supposed to.

When you want to keep eating 'clean' during the week (so that you can have the weekends free to eat what you feel like in two meals) and you have a big craving somewhere during the week, don't worry. There is a way to jump over this hurdle.

Try any of the cravings control tips below to cut your cravings:
  • Have a celery stick dipped in calorie free dressing.
  • Have a hand full of almonds/walnuts or ½ hand of peanuts/cashews with 1 glass of water.
  • Have some cucumber or a small mixed salad.
  • Have a green apple.
  • Have some water, green tea, espresso or coffee (with fat free creamer and/or sweetener).
  • Watch TV or a movie.
  • Go online to read some fitness articles for extra motivation.
  • Go outside and take a walk.
  • Go shopping. See how smaller sizes fit and look great on you!
  • Meet up for social activities with friends, tell them about your new lifestyle. They will support you!
Also try this little trick; If you're craving for example chocolate, look at the back side of the packet and see how many calories per serving (if you're going to have that suggested serving), you're about to take in. 300 calories equals 45 minutes of cardio. Do you really want to make it harder on you and slow down your progress? Imagine yourself in nice low-cut jeans with a pretty top, showing your abs. Besides, it's just a few more days until the weekend is here so let's just put that chocolate bar aside and wait until the weekend.

Enjoy Food, Enjoy Life

Ever see commercials on TV or in magazines of fit people living a happy lifestyle, eating breakfast in the peaceful garden, casually riding a bike or taking a relaxing walk on the beach? They are being portrayed as happy people who appreciate life.

It's true for most fit people, and it could be true for everyone. You appreciate food, your bodies and life so much more now that you focus more on appreciating yourselves instead of only living to eat. This is karma; you give and you take. The energy you put into appreciating and caring for yourself all comes back to you, in a good way.

Appreciating whole foods for your body instead of stressor foods (unhealthy food), enjoying life and having fun attributes to maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. It even attributes to a happy lifestyle.

To every action there is a reaction. You've made a couple changes in your life to have a great fit and toned body so now you are burning fat, although sometimes it takes a while for you to notice it.

One, you may not see it at first until the results are greater, even though your friends and family will be complimenting you and telling you they see you've lost weight, and two, sometimes the fat has to become looser first inside, until it starts coming off.

This may happen for the first few weeks, but soon before you know it, you will see the fat flying off at a rapid speed. You will be so happy with the results that you won't want to have it any other way. You will choose to keep this way of eating as a lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle that guarantees you having a fit and healthy body for the rest of your life. And you'll do it with pleasure too!

I can't wait for you to have a fit and healthy life style as well! Be sure to make before and after pictures for us all to see when you start this guide to lose your body fat and have a great toned body. Feel free to email them to me. I will be looking forward to seeing those awesome results on you!

I hope to us good healthy

Advice For Women by IFBB Figure Pro Mercedes Khani
