Thursday, September 29, 2011

The better time to get protein for building muscle

 From the start plying bodybuilding and takes supplements to reach to bodybuilding's hero everybody should know about the times of taking supplements and the kind of these all of this before building muscle. 

And Health tips abound in the area of exercising and building muscle. What to eat, what to drink, what supplements to add to the regimen. Here is a story of health secrets regarding how to build strong, healthy muscles. It concerns when you should eat protein to maximize its effect. The Doctors Health Press also publishes the Doctors Health e-Bulletin, a daily health e-letter sent to over 100,000 readers and growing. Each day, readers can expect specific natural health advice, news and breakthroughs delivered directly to their inbox. Plus, all readers of the Doctors Health e-Bulletin are entitled to receive special offers for various books and newsletters, plus natural products from our various partners, including ....... Nutritionals.

Health tips abound in the area of exercising and building muscle. What to eat, what to drink, what supplements to 
add to the regimen. Here is a story of health secrets regarding how to build strong, healthy muscles. It concerns .when you should eat protein to maximize its effect.
And when people exercise on a regular basis, their muscles experience a continuous cycle of muscle breakdown 
(during exercise) as well as remodeling and growth (especially with weightlifting). Athletes have long experimented with ways to enhance muscle growth. One trend of late is using high-protein beverages during and after exercise. Many studies show possible benefits with them.Of specific interest is the effect of the essential amino acid "leucine" contained in these products. Two papers hone in on this in the latest "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."

It is reasonable to think that eating foods with high-quality protein (e.g. milk) during and/or immediately following exercise would help muscles get stronger. Muscles need to be both encouraged and nourished on the path to growth. 
In the first study, researchers investigated whether, after exercise, taking one large dose of whey protein (25 g) was better or worse than taking smaller doses (2.5 g) 10 times over an extended period. The idea with the small "protein shots" was to mimic how another milk protein -- "casein" -- is digested. 

One study had people use a leg-extension machine and see which was best. The other had people use a stationary 
bicycle. In both, they evaluated how protein was synthesized after exercise. The result was this: consuming a 
large amount of protein immediately after exercise boosted muscle protein synthesis more than periodic smaller doses. 

Concerning the substance leucine, one study found that muscle protein built up 33% more after the higher-leucine 
beverage. Thus, the conclusion was that you can manipulate your muscle growth post-exercise by choosing what to eat. In 
particular, leucine may play an especially important role in stimulating muscle growth when your workout is done.

New powerful guide in training of bodybuilding

 Everybody when they comes to playing bodybuilding they should take a guide to now how to play specially bodybuilding .And you can build good muscles without looking for muscle magazine workouts. Isolation exercises are good once you have built the base exercises. You can depend on squat since it is considered as the king of all workouts. You should consider squats, dead lifts, bench press, barbell rows, overhead press, pull-ups and dips for building muscle at an accelerated rate. Great muscle gainers will do workout 5 to 6 times a week. But they did not begin it this way. The number of days per week was added when they got stronger. You will be doing excess exercises if you are working out 5 to 6 times weekly. A beginner will need more recovery time.Rest and recovery time is an important factor in muscle building. Muscles are growing not when you are working out. They grow when you are resting. You can start your workout routines with three full body workouts in a week. Your focus should be on increasing intensity.

 You can build muscles without looking for muscle magazine workouts. Isolation exercises are good once you have built the base exercises. You can depend on squat since it is considered as the king of all workouts. You should consider squats, dead lifts, bench press, barbell rows, overhead press, pull-ups and dips for building muscle at an accelerated rate. Great muscle gainers will do workout 5 to 6 times a week. But they did not begin it this way. The number of days per week was added when they got stronger. You will be doing excess exercises if you are working out 5 to 6 times weekly. A beginner will need more recovery time. 

 Take a rest and recovery time is an important factor in muscle building. Muscles are growing not when you are working out. They grow when you are resting. You can start your workout routines with three full body workouts in a week. Your focus should be on increasing intensity. The time you are spending in a gym is not at all a factor. Sleep is an important factor in muscle building. Growth hormones are released when you are sleeping. Muscle building hence takes place when you are sleeping. You should have 8 hours of sleep daily. You can take a nap after you have done your workouts if you have got time. 

 And drinking lot of water is essential for muscle building. Water is good to avoid dehydration and helps recovery of muscles. 2 cups of water after meals will serve good. You should make it a practice to sip water after doing each workout. Eat sufficient food to build muscles. Your training will not be supported if you are not eating sufficient food. You need enough calories for recovery and muscle building. Whole food will lower body fat. Muscle you are building will show only if you have less fat content in your body. 

 Takes vitamins and minerals will help muscle recovery. Stop eating junk foods. Ninety percentage of your food intake should be whole foods. Proteins rich food like meat, poultry, fish, eggs and milk are good for building muscles. Carbohydrates rich food like brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta and Quinoa will give more energy for doing the workouts. Vegetables like broccoli, tomato, salad, carrot are also good for muscle building. Fruits like banana, orange, apple, pineapple and peers can be taken after each meal. Fats are also good if present in olive oil, fish oil, real butter, nuts and flax seeds for muscle building.