Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New truth about Nutritional Supplements

Posted by YNFirwall 5:30 PM, under ,,, | 1 comment

In your lifestyle changes have taken a toll on the health and physical fitness. Fast food is dominating the food habits and such junk food cannot meet the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals and nutritional deficiency is a common phenomenon. Strict diet regime may not be always possible due to the erratic work schedules. In order to compensate this, you can always rely on the nutritional health supplements.

Importance of Nutritional Supplements

 Supplements ensure that your daily dose of vitamins and minerals are taken. It fosters quick absorption as supplements contain easily digestible ingredients. These offer balanced nutrients supply to your body. When you take the right dosage of these supplements, it helps in improving your immune system. This in turn reduces your risk of exposure to diseases. The overall health of the body is improved as you get more energy. Even if proper diet regime is followed, at times you may still be deficient in any of the essential nutrients. Natural sources of vitamins and minerals are plenty. But when we over cook these they tend to lose their nutrients. So, finally the required amount of vitamin or mineral that enters our body is very less. So, there arises the need for nutritional supplements. It helps in improving the metabolic activities of your body and thus, maintains your body weight keeping you healthy and fit.
Advantages of Natural over Synthetic

For synthetic supplements cannot provide you with the required nutrients. The simple reason is that they are made of artificial substance and so cannot break down. When you take such supplements, your body does not break them and so they are not absorbed at all. It just passes through the faeces. That is the reason you must opt for the natural supplements. Such supplements contain natural ingredients that are easy to break and also promote faster absorption too. Organic supplements do not contain any kind of isolate properties and can be safely taken. As the ingredients are purely natural, there is no requirement for artificial additives and free from side effects. Such supplements are manufactured using the lacto vegetarian models and so ensures complete healthy and fit body.

Necessity for seeking Natural supplements

And there are many natural supplements entering into the market and you need to be prudent in selecting the best ones. Ensure that it contains some of the popularly used ingredients. Most of the supplements contain garlic which is supposed to be the natural antibiotic. Synthetic antibiotics cannot fight against the bacteria in our system. But, Garlic has proven to be very effective in warding off bacteria. Another natural ingredient that is popularly used in natural supplements is the elder berry which is a great detoxifier. It is very effective in treating the common cold and flu. Gingko is yet another popular supplement that is used for enhancing your mental ability. Another Organic ingredient is Kelp which is useful in regulating your thyroid performance and keeps your weight under control. Nutritional supplements are a great boon for all those who do not have adequate intake of the regular diet.

Identify and understand how to lose weight

Posted by YNFirwall 5:19 PM, under ,,, | No comments

Fats are double-edged sword and it`s a great sources of energy and we need to them in order for our bodies to function and absorb essential nutrients from the foods we eat. When fats are eaten in full moderation, it can yield to good health.

However, there are some fat that are good for the body and there are also some that aren't. To give you a clear understanding on the different kinds of fats, below is quick overview of their functions, sources and purpose.

And Cholesterol - Cholesterol are among the fatty acids present in the bloodstream which is naturally produced by the body. There are two types of cholesterol found in our bloodstream - HDL and LDL cholesterol. LDL or known as the bad cholesterol causes plaque formation and artery blockage which may lead to heart attacks and is major contributing factor to heart disease. HDL or the good cholesterol on the other hand, helps in unclogging blood vessels by fighting LDL cholesterol.

For Polyunsaturated lipids - Good sources of this kind of fatty acids can be found in nuts, cold water fish, leafy greens, fruits and some seeds. The best known polyunsaturated fat is known as the omega-3 fatty acids which can be mostly found in fish oil, fish and other seafood. This type of fat is proven to lower blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of eminent heart attacks.

Monounsaturated lipids - This type of lipid also helps in lowering blood cholesterol if you opt for foods that are low in saturated fats. Some great sources of monounsaturated fat will mostly come from avocados, monounsaturated margarines, oils and nuts.

Saturated fats - Eating prepared or processed foods, chips, cookies, pastries, meat fat, organ meats, cream, butter and cheese are highly saturated foods raises cholesterol. Thus, foods that are high in saturated fat are also high in cholesterol content. Beware and eat start eating smart for having high levels of cholesterol puts you at risk to heart disease, fatal heart attacks and stroke.

Trans fats - Trans fats are like saturated fat that raises LDL cholesterol and lowers the good cholesterol. These fats are mainly contained in foods which use hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats that can significantly affect your overall lipid count.

Ronnie Coleman new all video collection

Posted by YNFirwall 5:00 PM, under ,, | No comments


All training video  of  Ronnie Coleman




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Download Torrent Here

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Information about whey protein production

Posted by YNFirwall 4:25 PM, under ,,, | No comments

 Everybody want to know the wonder difference  between all the types of whey protein powder available? It's one of the most common questions I get asked in nutritional consults. The answer is simple. Ingredients and quality.

Whey protein can be made from either milk or cheese. Most people believe whey protein powders are made from milk. This is actually a misconception. High quality whey isolates or hydrolyzed whey isolates do come from milk. However, whey concentrate comes from cheese mostly. In terms of quality, hydrolyzed whey isolate is tops, followed by whey isolate then whey concentrate.

And let's examine how whey protein powders are made. It all starts at the dairy. Cows are milked and then the milk is pasteurized to kill any bacteria. Milk is comprised of both casein and whey proteins which are then separated. The whey is then filtered to remove the sugar (lactose) and the fat. This leaves us with whey concentrate. If whey concentrate is the desired product, then this whole process would start at cheese. But, we want high quality whey isolate or hydrolyzed whey for our bodies. So now the whey concentrate is dried. The powder is then filtered again using methods such as cross-flow micro filtration, micro filtration, or cold-filtering. These methods remove impurities and large molecules leaving us with the whey isolate which is then dried to form the powder.

If we want the best, hydrolyzed whey isolate, we hydrolyze the whey via a chemical processes to break the whey molecules into smaller pieces. This makes them easier and faster for the body to digest. The product is then dried to form hydrolyzed whey isolate. This is the highest quality of whey you can get. At this point, the powder is shipped to companies that add their ingredients such as enzymes, peptides, vitamin and mineral mixes, and flavorings. Then it's put in the package, sealed, and to the store's shelf.

For now that we have an understanding of how whey is made, how do we read the label to determine quality? Simple. Pick up the bag or bottle and rotate it to find the ingredients and the nutritional facts panel. Let's start at ingredients. The first ingredient listed should be whey protein isolate or hydrolyzed whey isolate. If not, it's a lower quality whey protein. Next, look on the bottle and see if it listss micro fractions such as alpha lactalbumin, glycomacre peptides, immunoglobulin, lactoferrin, and various other growth factors. Make sure that it has an amino acid profile panel that shows what amino acids are contained in the protein. These should include leucine, isoleucine, valine, glutamine, and arginine.

Lastly, determine the percentage of protein per scoop. High-quality protein powders contain 90% or more protein per scoop. So if one scoop contains 30 total grams of powder weight, we need to see how many grams of protein that contains. You're looking for 27 grams of protein or better in order to have a high-quality protein. Anything less, is just good.

And these are some basic points to help keep you informed on how to identify differences in whey protein powders. Don't fall prey to powders that taste like desserts or milkshakes. That's just what they are! Yes, they contain whey but they are more like snacks than protein supplementation. Use those products as substitutes for treats. Just don't forget to treat yourself.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Very useful fitness&Bodybuilding training course program

The energy seems to be our standard excuse for not doing things. These are things we like to do, want to do, enjoy doing! This is no way to live one's life. We need to manage our energy so as to increase it and apportion it to every aspect of our busy, sometimes exhaustive, life styles.

-1 Sleep: Lots of it

For this is most important as a first step. Adding another half hour to our usual nights sleep would be an average requirement since most people are somewhat sleep deprived. Late nights and early mornings are a bad combination for draining our energy. Start a bed time ritual at least an hour before actually retiring. This prepares the mind and body for sleep. Turn off the television, put on the voice mail and do not deal with any new pressing problems that can assuredly wait for the light of day.

-2 Water: 3 bottles a day
And most of people are tested for their bodies water content they are dehydrated. Coffee, wine, soups and soft drinks do not count as water intake. As a matter of fact some of these act as a diuretic draining our bodies of precious water. I start my morning with a full glass of water. It has been 8 hours since I had any water so mornings are a key time to start hydrating our bodies. Then comes my work out with a full bottle of water. After an hour or less it is another bottle of water with my protein powder. Before noon hour I would have drank 3 bottles of water. The benefits to your skin quality, muscle tone and bowel function is dramatic. No constipation with a consistent hydration policy. I go nowhere without a couple of bottles of water.
-3 Food Choices: Balanced & Nutritious

There are many comfort foods we love and crave. They make us feel full, content and sleepy. These should NOT comprise the bulk of our diet. We all know the amount and the types of foods that are nutritious. Eat what you feel would do your body good and fuel your next 2 hours of activity. A meal should replenish you, not drain you. Second helpings can be had in an hour or two not at one sitting. Typically at a restaurant I cut the food portion in half, eating one half and bringing the other half home for a snack (in about an hour and a half) This is better than chips or cookies!
-4 Exercise: Equals More Energy

Sleep, water and good food choices make for a great health combo. Without exercise the train does not leave the station. We need to keep moving, challenging heart, lungs and muscles. Working at the 85% of maximum for at least 3 days a week is minimum with five days a week being better. I exercise daily, only taking a day off because of travel or business obligations that invariably want to steal my workout time. Showering, brushing your teeth, combing your hair are all part of your daily routine and so should exercise.
-5 Variety: Deadly Boredom Trap

Every regiment eventually succumbs to a boring routine. Even an exciting, passionate activity like sex can slip into the "same old, same old." Keeping an exercise journal allows one to change up or tweak your workouts. Even a slight variation will challenge us to see if we can beat our previous workout goals. I love my pull ups so I have a doorway bar upstairs, downstairs, one on the ceiling and of course one in the shop were they are made. My travel trailer has a custom pull up bar that I can use camping as well as a travel bar that breaks down without tools for my suitcase. Engaging your mind before and during your workouts will add some variety but maintain the consistency needed for growth or fat loss if that is your goal.
-6 E-Triggers: Personal

People are different and respond in their own way from outside stimuli. My wife for example loves people and every gathering is a party. More than on one occasion would she chat with family and friends over a bond fire til the sun came up. One the other hand put in a DVD for the evening and its snooze time in a half hour or less. She needs and enjoys people so her morning walks are with me and the dog. The health club she goes to (for ladies only) is always teaming with people. People give her energy. They are her E-Trigger. Mine is goal accomplishment. The satisfaction of one more rep or putting another workout in the bank is all I need and thrive on. Belonging to a group or sharing your fitness goals with a confidant may be your thing that triggers excitement for fitness.
-7 Nap time: 20 minutes only

This is such a great way to relax your mind and body preparing it for the 2nd half of your day. I am talking about a short power nap before 1pm not an hour or two mid afternoon snooze that leaves you groggy for hours. Not everyone has this opportunity to lay down on the job. If this is the case find a quiet place were your mind can wander to pleasant places as you breath deeply relaxing your whole body. I find those moments that I can drift to my one palm tree island in the Caribbean so relaxing. Knowing it is just a vision in my head and soon my body must spring to the daily grind, I am refreshed.

What about training in your own gym

Posted by YNFirwall 6:17 PM, under ,,, | 1 comment

Always you are desirous to make training in your time without any thing block this training and when it comes to your health and keeping your body in a well maintained condition it is important. In reality it should not matter how much you spend to make sure that your body is at its best. This is especially true if you are someone that plays sports for a job. Sure there are a lot of people that say to have a gym and the proper gym equipment it would cost them tens of thousands of pounds to get the things that they need. However that is not true as you can find great deals, especially when buying numerous machines and equipment together.

As long as you have some space available you can easily create a home gym of just equipment that you want to use. This means that you can access your gym whenever you want and can workout more often. If you just went to a regular gym you may not even get on the machine of your choice and will waste petrol money but if it is in your house you can use it day or night.

And also paying for gym memberships can really add up so buying your own machines will save you money in the long run if you are serious about working out. Some people can get embarrassed about attending a gym as you are self conscious that people will watch you and you do not work out as hard. Within the comfort of your own home you can sweat and train as much as you want without anybody looking. You are bound to have completed a much more vigorous session.

Although you may not like other people watching it can benefit working out alongside somebody else. If you have a friend who you take part in a sport with it could be beneficial for you both to train together. I am sure that they will love coming round to your private gym than a public one too. This way you watch each other to help improve techniques and also make sure that you are both safe when using machines and weights.

And if you wanted to train in a more natural and cheap way you could of course go for a run but this has its downsides. You will not be working out all of the muscles that you need to. Also weather can have a huge impact on peoples mood to actual participate in exercise. So if you have to go out in freezing snow or torrential rain, somehow I think you will not be going out running

Cross trainers equipments Uses

Posted by YNFirwall 5:43 PM, under ,,, | No comments

For the Cross trainers equipments there are also known as elliptical machines. These machines have this name because they are oval or oblique in shape. This form of exercise will allow the user to make use of elliptical movement to exercise.

The user will stand on the foot pads and hold onto the handles of the machine. As the exercises are done in a standing posture, you will have the advantage of using your lower as well as your upper body. Some models will even have handles that move so that you can give your upper body more of a work out.

From your standing position you will feel as if you are doing a walking or running exercise. However because of the handles and the elliptical movement the exercise will also simulate skiing or cycling. You can build bone density by standing, but there is no strain on your muscles and joints because of the fact your feet always stay on the foot pads. If you put the machine in reverse you can give other muscle sets a workout.

There are a number of advantages of using cross trainers:
-There is no strain on your muscles and joints like machines that use weights. The device will offer resistance like weights but not put undue strain on your body.
- You are giving multiple sets of muscles a work out. The elliptical movement helps to exercise several muscles at a time. You can also set it into reverse and exercise even more muscle sets.
- You are giving your body weight bearing exercises without the strain of weights. This will maintain your bone density without any strain on your joints and muscles. This is good for those who have joint problems like arthritis.
- It is very easy to use as it is similar to walking and you can go at your own pace.
- And you can exercise for longer because it is not putting a strain on your body. This allows you to build up more endurance and improve performance.
 -For the handles allow the user to have upper body exercise, so that you will have a complete workout.
- And it is good for cardiovascular training. There are built in computers that will monitor your cardiovascular activity.

And these machines are available in the gym or at home. If you make use of the gym you will need to make time to go there every day. Sometimes this is hard to do. If you have the discipline then you can buy and use one of these cross trainer machines at home. Having it available in your own home makes working out easier as you can choose when to go on it and at more convenient times. You would also get more of a sleep in than having to get up early to drive to the gym. You can recuperate a bit more energy sleeping and then have a good workout in your house

The relation between legs and back pain

Posted by YNFirwall 5:13 PM, under ,,, | No comments

There are many information exactly from 30 years ago we learned that straight legged sit-ups were bad for you because it caused back pain. But aren’t lying or hanging leg raises the same thing as the straight legged sit-ups – done in reverse? Aren’t you using the same muscles, whether you raise your legs and keep your upper body still or raise your upper body and keep your legs still?

And great looking abs are a goal for both men and women, but lying or hanging leg raises may be contributing more to your back pain then you think.

How Muscles Work

To understand why this exercise may not be so good for your back, you need to understand the basic bio-mechanics. Learn which muscles move what body part. Anatomy and physiology teaches you that a muscle attaches at two ends. When those two endpoints or attachment points move closer together you get muscle contraction. It is the contraction of the muscle that pulls the endpoints closer and moves your body. When the two end points move further apart, the muscle stretches and relaxes.when one muscle contracts – an opposing or opposite muscle stretches or relaxes. Every muscle has an opposing muscle. For joint stability and staying pain free it is important to exercise both the contracted and opposing muscle, otherwise you get muscle imbalance.

Look at the bicep muscle, for an example. It attaches at the top of your shoulder and just below the crease of your elbow. When you bend your arm, or do a bicep curl, the two endpoints move closer together, and the muscle is in a state of contraction. When you straighten your arm the two points move further apart and the bicep muscle stretches or lengthens.

Every muscle in the body works on this same “pulley” principle, including your eye muscles. Look at your chest muscles. The pec’s attach along the side of your sternum and run diagonally into the top of your shoulder. Now imagine as you lower the bar when doing bench press, the two end points move further apart. The pec muscles are stretching, but as you push the bar off your chest, the two endpoints move closer together. This causes the pec muscles to contract.

Examine the Leg Raise

The muscles primarily responsible for raising the legs are the psoas muscles, NOT the abdominal muscle. The common name for the psoas muscle is the ‘hip flexor.’ The hip flexor attaches at the upper/inside portion of your thigh muscle and sits beneath your abs and intestines. It runs up and attaches to your spinal column, more specifically your lumbar vertebra and disc. These muscles are commonly overlooked for being a primary cause of back pain, but as you start examining which muscles move your body, you will quickly see how they can be the problem.

And the abdominal muscles attach at the bottom of your ribs and run down past your belly button and attach to the pubic bone. Remember a muscle contracts when the two endpoints come closer together.

To prove to you that lying or hanging leg raises don’t specifically work the abdominal muscles let me get you to lie flat on your back as if you were performing a leg raise. Place your right hand at the top of your pubic bone and your left hand on the bottom of your rib cage. Now slowly raise your legs up to the ceiling, no more than 90 degrees. Did your hands come closer together? I don’t think so!

And if you keep pulling your legs past that vertical position (90 degrees) and move them closer to your head, you will notice that your pelvis will begin to rock up towards your head. You should then begin to feel your hands move closer together, this is because you are finally contracting your abdominal muscles. You are basically doing a reverse crunch.

from now, keep your hands in the same position and do a regular crunch. You will notice your hands move closer together, which tells us your abdominal muscles are doing the work, not your hip flexor.

Crunches for Great Abs

Hopefully, this will help explain why crunches and reverse crunches are some of the best exercises for your abs. Doing leg raises, or holding your feet six inches off the ground or having someone throw your legs back down after you raise them is only going to make your hip flexors tighter and put you at risk for back pain.

For years I have seen patients come to my office complaining of back pain. One of the first questions I ask them is what kind of abdominal workout they do? If they say, lying or hanging leg raises or some other type of similar movement…..I help educate them on how that specific movement could be contributing to their back pain and how to properly target their ab muscles, without hurting their low back.

In Summary

In the last when you do leg raises or hanging leg raises, the first 90 degrees of the leg raise is activating the hip flexors. As you go past 90 degrees, the abdominal muscles will finally begin to contract. Unfortunately most people only do their leg raises within that first 90 degrees of range of motion, which is only working your hip flexors and will eventually make you susceptible to low back pain.

It doesn’t matter if you bend your knees, or put your hands behind your back. The muscles responsible for raising your legs those first 90 degrees are your hip flexors, NOT your abs. Grab an Anatomy & Physiology book and take a look at where these muscles attach to better understand what we are talking about. The last thing you want to do is slow your progress down with an injury.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Learn Bodybuilding amplification and anatomy training

Learn Bodybuilding  amplification and anatomy training from important books

Strength Training Anatomy 2nd Edition.PDF

The important advice in Bodybuilding anatomy

 In the beginning  you should apprehend your body needs and the muscle groups is vital when setting goals and helps develop focus when you train. Here in this article we take a look at the key muscle groups you will need to know and focus on for a more effective workout plan.

The neck muscle-In your neck there are the upper Trapezius which travels down the back of your neck and the levator scapulae runs which travels alongside the first five to six vertebrae in your neck. These are the only two simple muscles you need to consider in your neck region.

Trapezius- Known as the traps and travels down along your back from the nape of your neck to the waist on both sides of your spine.

Shoulders- In the front part of your shoulders lies the anterior deltoids whilst down the side of your shoulders run the middle deltoids. Travelling down the back part of your shoulders are the posterior deltoid muscles and just below the anterior deltoids running from the armpit outwards you can find your rotator cuffs.

Chest-Known as the pectoral muscles

Arms- As well as your biceps, the muscles located on the inside of your arm, you can find the triceps running down the side. These run from the shoulder down to the elbow. You can also see distinct muscles in your forearm as well.

Your arms contain two of probably the most well-known muscles, the biceps and triceps. The biceps are found on the inside of your arms and your triceps travel down the side of your arms running from the shoulder down to your elbow.

Stomach muscles- The abdominals are shorted to abs which is where you will build your 6 or 8 pack stomach muscles.

Leg muscles-Here there are three distinct muscle areas; the quadriceps, hamstring and calf muscles. The quadriceps or thigh muscles are located on the front of your thigh and the hamstring muscle is on the back of your thigh. The calf muscles are below your knee at the back of your leg.

Other Muscles-The above groups are key in understanding where and what the muscles are but there are other important muscles to take note of. They are the buttock muscles or gluts, the lower trapezium in the lower back and the l/ dorsi or "lats" located in the upper back.

Knowing your body building anatomy can increase workout productivity as you become more aware of the muscles as you train. This developed focus will greatly help achieve your goals and improve motivation. A little research on your body goes a long way, so take some time, get a mirror and have a look at them and become a more aware and mentally prepared body builder.

Building muscle is a tiring and difficult task, but it doesn't have to be that way. M/Oladele describes in his website Building A Body Guide that knowing your body and its functions can have a considerable effect on your motivation and training effectiveness. The Anatomy, Vital Nutritional Advice, Training Tips, Exercises, Do's and Don'ts and more can be found in his site so check it out even if you're a retired, practicing or new to body building. The advice and philosophies written in the many articles are easy to understand and implement immediately.

The Heroes of Muscle Building in Cinema & training guide of them

When we taik about Artistry of Muscle Building be sure the first Arnold Schwarzenegger and once said that "A good bodybuilder has the same mind that a sculptor has." It's a poignant testament to painstaking efforts it takes to create a body that is truly legendary. Muscle-building can be hard work, true, but there is an artistic side to all of the pumping, the sweat, and the iron.

If you are trying to grow your muscles and you're just starting, don't start out blindly. A sculptor always has a plan (even if only in their minds) of exactly what the finished product will be. Do the same thing before you get in the gym and start a lifting free-for-all. Go to the gym knowing what type of body are your trying to achieve. Should you focus on pushups to failure in order to get a chest that's more cut? Or should you do heavy, incline bench pressing to get the larger slabs of hypertrophied muscle that are characteristic of bodybuilder's chest?

The Artist's Tools

And a great sculptor has tools. A stone sculptor has a trusty hammer and chisel. A clay sculptor has wire end tools and scrapers. Just as a sculptor has tools to create remarkable works of art, so too should a bodybuilder. What are a bodybuilder's/muscle building enthusiast's tools? Weights & Exercise, Diet, Cardio, and Rest. In reality these seem like extremely simple tools. However, much like the old hammer and chisel, in the hands of a master, these tools can create chiseled bodies that people dream about.

Weights & Exercise

Weights are the muscle-building artist's molding tool. Every exercise you do has a different effect on the way your muscles will ultimately look, and even how firm they are. How heavy you lift will determine how full your muscles will become. High repetitions with lower weight promote greater muscular definition. Other exercises, like yoga for example will help to elongate and stretch the muscles.


This is how you add clay to your canvas. It's a little more complicated than the way a sculptor adds clay, but there are similarities. Sure you can eat anything you want, and you will most definitely add "clay" to your physique. But if you're eating Cinnabons and ice cream sundaes to do it, let's just say you'll end up with "bad clay" in all the wrong places. A high protein diet, healthy carbs, vegetables, etc., help to add slabs of "good clay," muscle, to your body.


This is the muscle-builder's ultimate etching tool. Do you want your muscles to show without having to even flex them? A consistent cardio program helps. Cardio will allow you to scrape away layers of fat to reveal layers of toned muscle underneath.


This is a finishing tool that many people don't think about. Hard training is an important part of building a great body, but so is rest. Timing your rest periods, getting enough sleep, and giving your body time to recuperate, is how you allow the work that you've done to take effect.

When you train, become an artist of sorts, everyday you go to the gym. The weights and training equipment become your tools, and your body of course...the canvas. How you use these tools, can make all the difference in the world. Why is it that some people can be members of a gym for years, go regularly, yet their "canvases" never really change all that much? A large part of this artistry lies in the exercises you do, how you do them, the intensity with which you do the exercises, and the self-discipline you have to stick to you training and eating regimen. Strive to become as fit as you can. What have you got to lose?

The new training course for Yoga

 Yoga teacher training course will provide you with a certificate to teach yoga, it will do a lot more than that as well. Any instructor who has taken a serious certification program will tell you that there are many extra benefits you will get from completing such a course. These additional benefits are the topic of this article, and I will discuss 5 of the most important ones below.

And it`s no secret now that yoga is excellent for your health and is a legitimate form of alternative healing. The catch of course is that in order to obtain these wonderful health benefits, you need to actually do your yoga practice regularly, and this is often where people fail. But, if you are enrolled in a yoga teacher course, you are forced to do your yoga practice, and a natural consequence of this is the emergence of excellent health and fitness.
And in addition to getting fit, the yoga you will be doing will also help you heal your body of ailments and injuries. A good yoga instructor training program will increase your energy levels dramatically, in addition to making you fit and strong. This is due to the multi-dimensional aspects of yoga, especially that aspect of yoga which focuses on your breath. This part of yoga is called pranayama and it is wonderful for improving your lungs and heart. These improvements will boost your energy levels making you feel powerful and fit.
So now that you have great energy and health, you are well on your way to getting more out of your life, but a yoga certification program, will also bestow you with peace and tranquility. This is again due to the mutli-dimensional approach of yoga. Yoga has a large meditative component, and a good yoga teacher's course should also train you in this aspect of yoga. The practice of yogic meditations are excellent for obtaining peace. They calm the mind, help resolve emotional traumas and connect one to the deep silence which lies deep with us.

The influence of yoga will extend beyond even the above benefits and will also affect your diet and the food you eat. This is because to really master yoga, one needs to embrace its underlying principles, one of which is to eat foods that are full of life and energy. This type of diet is mostly vegetarian, but the primary focus is to eat foods that are light and uplifting. So the yoga training program will bring your focus to this aspect of your life and help you become a better eater.

For yoga training program will not just help you break bad eating patterns, but will also help you give up other bad habits as well. Even strong addictions such as nicotine or caffeine after fade away with the practice of regular yoga and meditation. In addition to breaking bad habits, you will also find good habits forming as you continue your practice. This combination of losing bad habits and adopting good ones will go a long way in making your life joyous and free.

And you can see from the above, a yoga teacher training course is far more than a simple certification program, it is a powerful life transforming event. It can change you mentally, physically, emotional and spiritually. There are very few things you can do which have such an enormous impact on your life, so if you are considering becoming a yoga teacher, do pursue that desire, it will end up doing a lot more for you than you ever imagined.

Deep Tissue Massage effectual and how to get

Posted by YNFirwall 1:17 PM, under ,,, | No comments

 There was a time when the thought of a massage would bring a spa to mind. A luxurious setting in a health club or at an upscale resort may come to mind. Times have changed and so has deep tissue massage therapy.

There is a variety of massage types and about doing this. The general term means the manipulation and rubbing of the skin, tendons, muscles and ligaments. Therapists generally use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also incorporate the use of elbows and forearms to achieve the desired result.

And deep tissue massage uses a more forceful approach. The slow, forceful technique is used to target those layers of connective tissue and muscle that are deeper in the body. This is usually the method chosen for the relief of damage due to injuries. Deep muscle massage concentrates on realigning the deeper layers of muscle. While many of the movements are the same, the strokes are slower and deeper.

And massage has been considered an alternative type of medicine in the past, it is becoming increasingly popular among professionals for relief of many conditions and various situations. People who have subscribed to the use of deep muscle massage will be quick to tell you of its many benefits.

And for deep tissue massage breaks down the adhesions (bands of rigid, painful tissue) and consequently relieves pain and allows the client to restore natural movement.

During the massage, the client may experience some discomfort due to the pressure applied. The client needs to tell the therapist when the pain or discomfort is beyond their personal comfort zone.

The problems that are generally dealt with during deep tissue massage are:
  • Limited mobility due to injury or disease process
  •  Chronic pain
  •  Carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries that may be caused by repetitive movement
  •  Osteoarthritis
  •  Whiplash, sports injuries or falls
  • Fibromyalgia
  •  Muscle spasm
During the massage, the therapist will ask you to take deep breaths. This is done at certain points of the massage when the therapist is working on specific areas. The process will release metabolic waste substances from the muscles. It is important to drink a large amount of water following the massage. This will flush the waste from the system.

The last thing if you have never had a deep tissue massage, be aware that you should not eat a heavy meal prior to your appointment. You should arrive 5 minutes early so you can have a few

You can Lower Blood Pressure by new Massage Therapy

 This article are very benefits to you exactly when you have high blood pressure, you're going to want to read this article. These are some easy, natural and even enjoyable ways you can bring your BP numbers down.

Research tells us that at least 1/3 of all men have high blood pressure, and women are not far behind. Much of the time this disease has no physical symptoms, but it dramatically increases your chance of dying of a heart attack and your risk of heart failure. It is the number one cause of stroke, and only second as a cause for kidney failure. Studies also show that the following are simple ways that could help control your blood pressure. For example:

 Squeeze a Tennis Ball
 And about 40 years ago, Dr. Ronald Wiley developed a new device to stop pilots from falling asleep by increasing their blood pressure and circulation to their brains. Interestingly, it was discovered that after prolonged use, blood pressure actually reduced.

You can get a similar result by squeezing a tennis ball. Just hold the ball loosely, then squeeze it as hard as you comfortably can, holding for a minimum of five seconds. Relax your whole body for a count of two, then repeat the process ten times. Rest for a five count, then do ten more repetitions with that hand. Repeat with your other hand.

Enjoy Some Dark Chocolate
Dr. Karin Ried, working with researchers from the University of Adelaide, Australia said that eating dark chocolate can "significantly, albeit modestly, reduce blood pressure for people with high blood pressure but not for people with normal blood pressure."

Another study published in the JAMA found that eating approximately 30 calories per day of dark chocolate was associated with lowered blood pressure. This was reported to occur without weight gain or other adverse effects.

Savor a Cup of Tea
Yes love tea almost a countless number of studies have shown that tea has positive effects on our blood pressure. Most of these studies have been done with green and oolong tea (a bit more robust and heartier than green, but also low in caffeine).

One study that spanned a decade and conducted by scientists at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University, determined that drinking just 4 oz. of oolong or green teas a day can reduce the risk of high blood pressure by a 46%. When that was increased to 20 oz., researchers saw a 65% drop.

More recently, Hibiscus tea has been touted as a BP-reducer too. With no caffeine, this is a preferred choice for some. It's said that at least two cups of this mild tea per day can show results in as little as 4 weeks, and it tastes pretty good too.

Know You Are Breathing
Notice that I didn't say, "Just breathe." We are breathing all the time, so if that was all that was needed, there would be no high blood pressure. However, knowing that this is so, that is - bringing your attention to the activity of your breath - can help bring blood pressure down.

you should regularly spend 5-10 minutes sitting comfortably and allowing thoughts to drop away as you simply observe your breath. If you notice that your mind has wandered, no big deal, just come back to experiencing the inhalation and exhalation.

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., and director of research at the HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, Ca, says that having a routine breathwork practice can achieve results. One three-month study of computer-company workers showed that drop could be as pronounced as ten points systolic and six points dyastolic.

Get a Massage
The massage therapy. Recent research from Dillard University in Louisiana showed that a combination of massage therapy and diaphragmatic breathing reduced blood pressure and also anxiety in as little as one week. Another study done by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, showed that regular massage reduced high blood pressure and depression too. As with chocolate, tea and tennis ball-squeezing, the best results were gained by regularity. (Who could resist such a scientific experiment - regular massage therapy treatments for research?) Clients I have seen who report BP improvement are receiving at least 1-2 treatments per month.

And you don't take all of this as a new regimen to solve your high blood pressure woes, but continue to follow your health care provider's guidance. This isn't meant to be a substitute, but a possible compliment to your current plan.